Mark returned by patron

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Mark returned by patron

The mark returned by patron action allows the requester to indicate the the patron has returned the item to the library and it is ready for return shipping.

NCIP interactions

If NCIP is enabled, the mark returned by patron action will use the NCIP check in item message to perform a check in of the item in the local library management system.

If the check in fails, check the audit log for an error message. In this situation, you can either:

  • Troubleshoot the problem in your local library management system, then retry the mark returned by patron action in ReShare.

  • Ask your local administrator to disable NCIP in the Resource Sharing Settings area. When NCIP is disabled, you can perform the mark returned by patron action again without triggering the CheckinItem call.

Action workflow

  1. Scan the request ID or click the “mark returned by patron” button.

  2. If the NCIP call succeeds or NCIP is disabled, the request will move to the Awaiting return shipping state.

  3. If the NCIP call fails, the request will remain in its original state.

Combine mark returned by patron and mark return shipped into one step

It is possible to combine the actions of mark returned by patron and mark return shipped in one step.

  1. To combine the actions of marked returned by patron and mark return shipped into one step, go to Settings>Resource Sharing>State/action configuration and set the Combine requester actions 'mark returned by patron' and 'mark return shipped' to Yes.

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