Due date management

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Due date management

This page describes ReShare’s functionality for setting due dates and managing overdue requests.

Setting due dates

ReShare currently supports setting of due dates only via the NCIP check out item integration. When a request is filled using the check out integration, your library management system (LMS) will provide ReShare with a due date, which is stored on the request. This due date will be used to identify overdue requests.

The NCIP-provided due date is calculated by your LMS using local circulation rules. If you wish to change the loan period for ReShare items, you must update your circulation rules – this change cannot be made via ReShare.

Backlog issues

The ReShare backlog contains issues related to other mechanisms for setting due dates that will be implemented in future releases.

Unparsed due dates

You may see a due date labeled as an “unparsed date.” This may occur if there is a problem with a particular LMS integration or if you have NCIP due dates disabled. Unparsed due dates are simply text strings that provide information but cannot be acted upon by the ReShare to transition requests to overdue. You can still process a request normally if it has an unparsed due date.

Disabling NCIP due dates

If you want to use the NCIP check out feature without enforcing due dates, you can disable them by going to Settings>Resource Sharing>Local NCIP settings. Change the “Use due date received from NCIP” setting to “Off.”

If NCIP due dates are disabled, the date supplied by your LMS will still appear on the request as an “unparsed date.” This means that the system will not act on the date – it appears for informational purposes only.

Handling incorrect due dates

Occasionally, a request may be created with an incorrect due date due to circulation rule errors. Currently, there is no way to manually change the due date for a request once it has been filled. The best way to handle incorrect due dates is to communicate with the requester via the messages function, and let them know they can disregard the due date. ReShare still allows processing of overdue requests, as described below.

Overdue requests

When the due date for a request passes, the request state will be updated to “Overdue” for both the requester and supplier.

The transition to overdue will occur only if a request is in the “Shipped” state on the supplier side.

Available actions for overdue requests

ReShare allows normal processing of overdue requests, to accommodate due date errors and exceptions. You can use the messages function to communicate due date errors or request a verbal extension to a due date.

Available requester actions:

  • Receive request: You may receive a request that is already overdue and continue to process the remaining workflow as normal. It is recommend that you ensure that the supplier knows you intend to lend the overdue item before taking this option.

  • Mark returned by patron: You may mark an overdue request as returned, then return ship it to the supplier.

  • Return ship: You may return ship an overdue request.

Available supplier actions

  • Complete request: You may complete an Overdue request regardless of the requester’s state. This action allows you to resolve an overdue request once any fees have been received or forgiven.


ReShare does not currently support formal renewals. You can use the messages function to negotiate and document extensions to due dates. Renewal functionality has been identified in the ReShare backlog and will be implemented in a future release: PR-430: RenewalsBacklog.


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