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ReShare User Manual

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Getting Started

This section is geared toward new ReShare users. It will walk you through the process of getting your system set up and learning the basics of requesting and supplying.

Getting Started Documentation →

ReShare Returnables

ReShare Returnables supports requesting and supplying of physical materials between libraries. The ReShare returnables suite of software includes a directory of participating libraries, apps to manage requesting and supplying of resources, and a bulk update app to process multiple requests quickly.

Returnables Documentation →

ReShare Shared Inventory

ReShare Shared Inventory allows a group of libraries to contribute each member’s bibliographic and holdings metadata to a central repository. The Shared Inventory works with ReShare Returnables to support consortial discovery and fulfillment workflows, and integrations are planned for other ReShare services.

Shared Inventory Documentation →

ReShare Direct Consortial Borrowing

Reshare DCB allows consortia to implement direct consortial borrowing infrastructure where the resource-sharing process is tightly integrated with member library circulation processes.

Direct Consortial Borrowing Documentation

Other documentation

Operated as a Community Resource by the Open Library Foundation