Respond "will supply"

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Respond "will supply"

The respond “will supply” action allows the supplier to communicate to the requester its intent to supply the item. This action also requires the supplier to identify a library location, shelving location, and call number for the item it intends to supply. This information will also appear on the pull slip.

Even after an initial “will supply” response is sent, the supplier will still have an opportunity to send a “cannot supply” message as long as the item has not been shipped.


ReShare’s autoresponder users a real-time availability check to query the supplier’s catalog and determine whether it has an available copy of the requested title at the time the request is placed. If the auto-responder is on for “will supply” and an item is available, ReShare will automatically perform the respond “will supply” action and supply the required location and call number data.

Action workflow

  1. Choose the respond “will supply” action

  2. Search your local catalog to identify an available copy of the requested title

  3. Populate the library location, shelving location, and call number fields

  4. Add an optional note. This will be delivered to the requester via the chat helper app.

  5. Click “Submit.”


Operated as a Community Resource by the Open Library Foundation