Audit trail

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Audit trail

Each ReShare request contains an audit trail that logs state transitions, messages, LMS interactions, and other events that occur.

Viewing the audit trail

To view the audit trail for a request, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Request or Supply app and open the request record that you want to view.

  2. Click on the “View audit trail” link located underneath the request ID.

  3. You will jump to the bottom of the Details screen, where you will see the audit trail.

Field values

The audit trail contains the following fields:

  • # (Number): This field provides a simple numerical ordering of the events in the audit trail. The audit trail is sorted by this number in decreasing order.

  • User: The username of the the user who initiated the event. Note that system initiated events will not have a value in the User field.

  • Date: The date and time of the event.

  • From state: The state assigned to the request at the start of the event.

  • To state: The state assigned to the request after the event is complete.

  • Message: A text field providing a description of the event. This field may also contain error messages for NCIP failures.

Requester vs Supplier audit trails

Because ReShare stores a unique request record for the request and supplier, the audit trails for each party will not correspond exactly. Events that affect both parties will be reflected on both audit trails – for example shipping messages. Internal events will only be reflected on the audit trail for the party to whom they apply – for example, printing pull slips or performing NCIP actions.

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