No NCIP workflows

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No NCIP workflows

The ReShare system can be used without an NCIP connection to the Host library management system (LMS). While there are tradeoffs in productivity for working without NCIP, ReShare provides manual fallbacks for each NCIP related process.

The follow page describes how to manually complete each ReShare action typically handled via NCIP.

Configuring settings

If you are not using NCIP, ensure that all of the possible NCIP interactions are turned off.

  1. Go to Settings>Resource sharing>Host LMS integration settings.

  2. Switch the following settings to “None”: Accept item method, Borrower check, Check in item method, and Check out item method.

  3. If you are using the Z39.50 auto-responder, you will still need to choose your LMS under the “Host LMS integration” heading.

Submitting a request using VuFind (requester)

Without NCIP, you can still submit a request using VuFind, contingent upon your service provider configuring your authentication service properly.

Users will search your VuFind catalog, login, and place requests as usual. When a request is created in ReShare, VuFind will pass the user ID into ReShare and store it in the user ID field on the request.

By default, your user ID will be a unique patron ID that is released by your authentication service. If you wish to have a different ID sent with the request, you will need to work with your service provide to configure the desired mapping.

Note that without NCIP, ReShare will not be able to validate this patron in any way. You may wish to look them up manually in your LMS to ensure they are a valid borrower in good standing.

Also note that, at this time, it is not possible to populate the email address, last name, and first name fields without NCIP.

Submitting a request using the staff interface (requester)

Without NCIP, you can still submit a request using the staff interface.

Instead of populating the “requesting user” field with a patron ID or barcode, you may put whatever value is most useful to you in this field. Be aware that this value will appear on the pull slip and will the be only piece of identifying patron information associated with the request. You can still use an ID or barcode if you choose, or you can use an email address, name, etc.

Once the request is submitted, the value you entered into the “requesting user” field will be stored on the request.

Note that without NCIP, ReShare will not be able to validate this patron in any way. You may wish to look them up manually in your LMS to ensure they are a valid borrower in good standing.

Also note that at this time, it is not possible to populate the email address, last name, and first name fields without NCIP.

Receiving a request (requester)

When your library receives a requested item, the ReShare system will simply mark the item as received. It will not perform any actions in your LMS. You will need to manually perform the following actions that would typically be done by NCIP:

  1. Create a temporary, brief catalog record that represents the borrowed title.

  2. Create an item record for this title.

    1. Choose an item barcode that will allow you to cross reference the item with the ReShare request. You may choose ReShare request number (e.g., PMILS-1234) or the item barcode from the supplying institution.

    2. Make sure that you assign item parameters such as material type, loan policy, etc. such that your circulation rules will be applied correctly when the item is checked out.

  3. Place a hold on the item for the user who requested it.

Filling a request (supplier)

When your library fills a request to supply a title, ReShare will record the item barcode of the supplied item. You will need to manually perform the following actions that would typically be done by NCIP:

  1. Check out the item in your LMS.

  2. When you fill the request, you may wish to include the due date using the “add note” feature. If you forget to do this, you can send the due date as an ad hoc note afterwards.

Note that at this time, it is not possible to manually enter a due date into the “due date” field.

Completing a request (supplier)

When your library completes a supplied request, ReShare will simply update the status of the request to “Complete.” You will need to manually perform the following actions that would typically be done by NCIP:

  1. Check the item in your LMS.

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