Evaluate Data Quality of a Title List
Once you have located a provider's title lists, you'll want to do a quick evaluation of their quality to make sure they're suitable for use in GOKb and gain an understanding of how each list is formatted.
Step 1: Verify that key GOKb columns are present
- Your data should contain all of the required GOKb fields that are unique to each title on the list.
- (There are a few required GOKb fields that are not often found in provider lists, but that are easy to populate because they're the same for all titles.)
- The following fields must be present:
- Publication title
- Print ISSN
- Electronic ISSN
- Date of first online issue
- Note that it is OK if individual titles are lacking ISSNs. It's only required that the data set contain a column for each ISSN type.
Step 2: Get a general sense of data quality
- Skim the list to make sure that most fields are populated throughout the data set.
- Spot check a few titles to make sure the ISSNs, URLs, and coverage dates are correct.
- You may also want to get a sense of which non-required GOKb fields are available, including:
- Additional identifiers (DOIs, provider-specific IDs, etc.)
- Date of last online issue
- Volume of first online issue
- Number of first online issue
- Volume of last online issue
- Number of last online issue
- Embargo period
- Publisher names (If the package contains resources for multiple publishers)
- The goal here is to get a sense of what data is included, what's missing, and how good the overall quality is.
Step 3: Determine treatment of title histories
- Determine whether the provide is including historic titles on its list.
- Some providers will include all previous iterations of a title with appropriate access dates for each based on when it was published.
- Some providers will list only the current iteration of a title and group all available coverage under that title.
- If historic titles are provided, determine whether the title list includes any linkages between earlier and later titles.
- If a provider is using KBART phase II, they may create links by populating the "preceding_publication_title_id" field.
- Some providers may just use free text notes to indicate histories.
- Depending on the size of your list, you may wish to add title history data to your list before adding it to OpenRefine or GOKb.
Next step
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