Ingest a Project Into GOKb

Ingesting a project from OpenRefine into GOKb will add any new titles, packages, platforms, or TIPPs that you've created to the GOKb web application. Once ingested, these elements will become part of the publicly available GOKb data set.


Step 1: Ingest data

  • Make sure that all error messages and any desired warning messages are resolved. If you have outstanding errors, see the tutorial for more information on how to resolve them.
  • In the left hand navigation pane of OpenRefine, navigate to the Errors tab.
  • Click the "Update GOKb" pane.
  • A pop-up window will display that tells you the number of packages, titles, platforms, and publishers that will be added to GOKb. At this point, you can choose to cancel the ingest by clicking "Close" or proceed by clicking "Proceed with Ingest."
  • If you proceed, you will have another chance to review the project properties. Make any necessary changes, then click "Save and Check-In."

Step 2: Confirm results of ingest

  • You will be returned to the list of projects. Your project will say "Ingesting" in the State column and show a progress meter. For large packages, the ingest make take up to 30 minutes.
  • Wait until the project is 100% ingested before moving on to the GOKb web app.

Next steps

Once your ingest has successfully completed, you're ready to finalize your data using the GOKb Web App.

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