GOKb Organizations
GOKb Organizations
The organization record in GOKb describes the an entity involved with the creation and distribution of the resources found in GOKb. Organizations can have a variety of roles, including content provider, vendor, publisher, licensor, etc.
Creating a new organization
Currently, the creation of new organization records is limited to editors.
- Log into GOKb
- Before creating an organization, go to Search>Organization.
- Search for your organization to make sure it is not already in the knowledge base.
- Once you have confirmed it's not present, go to Create>Organization.
- Fill in the name of the organization.
- Use the most authoritative name for the organization you can find.
- For US organizations, used the authorized name from LCNAF if one exists.
- For other countries, use an appropriate authority file.
- If no authority exists, use the official name found on the organization's web site – often found at the bottom with the copyright information.
- Click "Create and Edit."
- On the Organization tab, populate the Mission and Roles fields
- Note that you will need to assign the "content provider" role if you plan to ingest data from this organization through OpenRefine.
- On the Alternate Names tab, add any additional names that you might use to search for this organization.
Adding identifiers
GOKb organizations can also support links to other controlled vocabularies and authority files, such as LCNAF or VIAF. To add this information:
- Navigate to the IDs tab of an organization record.
- From the Identifier Namepace dropdown menu, choose "Global."
- In the Identifier Value field, enter a URI that represents the organization.
- Click Add.
, multiple selections available,
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