Shipping codes

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Shipping codes

ReShare supports the use of shipping codes in its directory entries. These codes will be available to other members of your consortium via the directory, and will appear on pull slips in particular situations.

Configuring shipping codes

Shipping codes can be added to any directory entry using the symbol fields. To create a shipping code:

  1. Click “add symbol.”

  2. Choose the authority for your shipping service. If you do not see the correct authority in the list, please contact your service provider.

  3. Enter the symbol that you want to associate with the location represented by the directory entry.

  4. In the priority field, enter “shipping.” Note that this must be lowercase.

Display of shipping codes on pull slips

Shipping codes are displayed on pull slips in two situations.

Supplier side

A shipping code is displayed for the supplier if a code is present on the directory entry related to the host LMS location from when the item was selected. This code will appear under the “From” heading on the pull slip.

Requester side

A shipping code is displayed for the request if a code is present on the directory entry for the pick-up location selected by the user who placed the request. This code will appear under the “To” heading on the pull slip.


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