Creating and managing pick-up locations

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Creating and managing pick-up locations

In ReShare, pick-up locations are managed using the Directory app. Each pick-up location must be represented by a directory entry and tagged with the “pickup” tag. Pick-up locations must also have an LMS Location Code.

Creating a pick-up location

  1. Navigate to the Directory entry entry that represents the institution or library where the pick-up location can be found. (For most ReShare users, this will be the institution entry.)

  2. From the “Actions” menu on the directory record, select “Create unit.”

  3. Add the name and other details for your pick-up location.

    1. For the Type field, use “branch.”

    2. For the slug field, enter a unique value that can be used to identify the branch. If you are using an LMS location code, it is recommended that you make the slug the same.

    3. If you are using NCIP, be sure to populate the LMS Location Code field with the location code used by your local library management system. This code will be used by the NCIP AcceptItem call to communicate the correct pick-up location when a hold is placed for your patron.

  4. Save your record.

  5. Open the Tags helper app, and add the “pickup” tag. You must add the tag exactly as shown here: all lowercase, no punctuation.

  6. Your pick-up location will appear in the list of choices offered by ReShare’s OpenURL resolver (and on the VuFind request confirmation form) immediately.

Removing a pick-up location

  1. Navigate to the Directory entry for the pick-up location.

  2. Open the Tags helper app and use the small “x” next to the tag to remove it from the record.

  3. The pick-up location will be removed from the list of choices offered by ReShare’s OpenURL resolver immediately.


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