Creating root directory entries - Institutions
Root directory entries are entries that represent the institutions that make up a consortia in ReShare. Each entry will contain essential information, including the lending symbol used by the institution within your resource sharing network, the addresses needed for communication between libraries, and the contact information that will appear on your pull slips.
If your ReShare system is hosted by a service provider, the service provider will create these root directory entries as part of the implementation. Each institution will only need to verify that the information in their root directory entry is correct.
To create a new root entry (for self-hosted ReShare systems only):
Open the Directory app.
From the top of the list of directory entries choose “New.”
Enter the following data:
Type = Institution
Slug = The name of your institution with no spaces. E.g. “The_New_School”.
Authority = ISIL
Symbol = Your ISIL symbol
Main phone number = The phone number you want to appear on your pull slips.
Main email address = The email address you want to appear on your pull slips.
Main contact name = The name of the person you’d like to have visible to other library staff users within the network.
Add service accounts. Service accounts must first be created in the Directory Settings app. Your system administrator can help you with this process.
Add an ISO18626 account
Slug = “Your_Slug_ISO18626”.
Service = Your ISO18626 service (from Directory settings)
Add a ReShare stats account
Slug = “Your_Slug_Stats”.
Service = Your RS Stats service (from Directory settings)
If desired, set your goal loan to borrow ratio in the Custom properties accordion.
Save your record.
Sample root directory entry
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