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Requester States



Available Actions



Available Actions


A request has been created in the requester's ReShare tenant

Cancel request


The patron associated with the request has been validated against the requester’s local library management system.

Cancel request

Invalid patron

The patron associated with the request could not be validated.

Redo borrower check

Override borrower check

Cancel request


ReShare is checking the shared index for suppliers that hold the item and creating the rota

Cancel request

Supplier identified

ReShare has identified a potential supplier

Cancel request

Request sent

The request has been sent to the next available supplier

Cancel request

Unable to contact supplier

ReShare does not have the correct information to contact the supplier or the supplier’s system is not set up correct to receive the request

None - terminal status

End of rota

All possible suppliers have declined the request and no additional suppliers remain

None - terminal status

Expects to supply

The current supplier has responded that an item is available to supply

Cancel request

Loan conditions received

The supplier has attached a loan condition to the request and requires confirmation

Accept loan conditions

Reject loan conditions

Cancel request


The supplier has shipped the requested item to the requester


Print pull slip

In local circulation process

Local records have been created and the item is ready to circulate via the local library management system

Mark returned by patron

Print pull slip

Awaiting return shipping

The patron has returned the item and it’s ready to be shipped back to the supplier

Mark return shipped

Print pull slip


The due date for the request has passed.


Mark returned by patron

Mark return shipped


The requester has shipped the item back to the supplier



The supplier has received the requested item and checked it out of ReShare

None - terminal status

Supplier States



Available Actions



Available Actions


A request has been sent to the supplier’s ReShare tenant

Respond "will supply"

Respond "cannot supply"

Respond "conditional supply"

Not supplied

No available items could be found to fulfill the request and it will move on to the next supplier

None - terminal status

Awaiting pull slip printing

An available item as been identified (either manually or via the auto-responder) and a pull slip is available to print

Print pull slip

Respond "cannot supply"

Add condition


The pull slip has been printed and the item is ready to be pulled from the shelf

Fill request

Respond "cannot supply"

Print pull slip

Loan conditions sent

Loan conditions have been sent to the requester and processing has been paused while awaiting a reply

Mark loan conditions as agreed

Awaiting shipping

The requested item has been checked out of the local library management system and is ready to ship to the requester

Mark shipped


The supplier has shipped the requested item to the requester



The due date for the request has passed.

Complete request

Return shipped

The requester has return the requested item to the supplier

Complete request


The supplier has received the requested item and checked it out of ReShare

None - terminal state


Operated as a Community Resource by the Open Library Foundation