Directory Data Dictionary

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Directory Data Dictionary

The ReShare directory identifies the entities participating in a particular lending program. Each directory record identifies a consortium, a library, or a library branch.

Each library or operational unit using ReShare has a primary entry that will define the lending symbol shared with other libraries and serve as a primary source of contact information. Your primary directory entry will be established by your service provider, and additional directory entries can be created manually using the Directory app.

Each directory entry in ReShare contains two tabs:

  • Shared information is viewable by all members of the consortium. Only the users associated with a particular library can edit this information.

  • Local information includes specific data elements and notes that a library might wish to store about another library in the consortium. This information is viewable and editable only by the library that has created it.

Directory metadata

Directory entry information

Data element


Data element



The name of the organizational unit described by the directory entry.


The type of organizational unit described by a directory entry

Options include:

  • Consortium: A group of libraries that have agreed to engage in resource sharing activities.

  • Institution: A high level operating unit such as a university or library system.

  • Branch: A unit within an institution, such as a specific library building, service desk, or administrative department.


A unique identifier for the directory entry. The slug must be chosen when the directory entry is established, and it cannot be changed once created. Slugs must be unique.

LMS location code

A location code that corresponds to the code used by the local library management system. For pickup locations, the LMS location code will be used in the NCIP AcceptItem query to place a hold for the requesting patron.


Symbols allow a unit to indicate its unique identifier in one of the following namespaces:

  • ISIL – The International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organizations (ISIL), ISO 15511 (https://www.iso.org/standard/57332.html)

  • ReShare – A locally defined ReShare namespace

  • OCLC – OCLC’s resource sharing directory (https://www.oclc.org/en/contacts/libraries.html)

  • PALCI – IDS delivery codes defined by the PALCI consortium

  • EXL – Ex Libris’s resource sharing namespace

  • Cardinal – A local namespace used for ReShare’s development environment

Symbols are only required for root directory entries, which must have at least one symbol. ReShare uses the ISIL namespace by default to encourage standards compliance. Institutions that do not have an ISIL symbol can use one of the other options.


Each directory entry may have units that represent divisions of the parent entry. The hierarchy for a particular directory entry may have any number of levels and be configured according to each institution’s organizational structure.

Each institution is required to have at least one unit. It is recommended that additional units be created for the following reasons:

  • The unit will function as a pick up location

  • The unit will operate as a separate ILL processing location


Tags are keywords or terms assigned to a directory entry. Users can create tags as needed in a fairly informal way. Directory tags can be deleted using the Settings app, as long as they are not in use on any records.

The “pickup” tag is a special tag that allows a unit to function as a pickup location. If a directory entry has the “Pickup” tag, it will be displayed as a pickup location in the request confirmation screen when a user submits a request to ReShare.

Contact information

Data element


Data element


Main phone number

The primary phone number for the unit. The main phone number from the requester’s root entry will appear on the pull slip.

Main email address

The primary email address for the unit.

The main email address from the requester’s root entry will appear on the pull slip, and is also the address to which staff notices for new Host LMS locations, shelving locations, and patron profiles will be sent.

Main contact name

The name of the primary contact person for the unit.

Service accounts

Service accounts define the endpoints that are used to facilitate communication and integrations across the ReShare environment. Service accounts first must be defined in the Settings app before they can be assigned to a Directory entry. Please see the Directory Settings documentation for more detail about the types of service accounts that can be created.

Service accounts include:

  • Slug: A unique ID assigned that identifies the combination of a particular service and directory entry.

  • Service: The service, chosen from the list of services configured in the settings app.

  • Account details: A freetext note for any account details relevant to the service.

Custom properties

Data element


Data element


Accept returns

Allows a library to set and publish a status indicating whether it is available to accept returns of loaned material at the current time.

ILL loan policy

Allows a library to set and publish a status indicating the types of lending it is currently supporting. Options include:

  • Not lending

  • Lending physical only

  • Lending electronic only

  • Lending all types

ILL loan to borrow ratio

Allows a library to determine the loan to borrow ratio it wishes to achieve. This ratio will be used by ReShare’s load balancing algorithm to choose the optimal supplier. ReShare cannot guarantee that a library will adhere exactly to its desired ratio, but will attempt to match it as closely as possible based on availability across the consortium.

Local directory information

Data element


Data element


Institutional patron ID

This field stores a patron ID or barcode that will be used to checkout an item being supplied to the library associated with the directory entry. Local directory fields are visible to your library only and are not shared across the consortium.


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