Directory Settings
This setting allows you to manage tags that have been assigned within the Directory app.
If you edit an existing tag, the name will be updated on all directory records on which it occurs.
You can only delete a tag if it is not currently in use on any directory records. You must remove it from all records first.
Note that you cannot create tags through the settings app. You can create a tag for use the first time by opening the “Tags” helper app on a directory entry and entering your tag. Once used, the tag will be available for use on other records and available to manage in the Tags setting.
“Pickup” is a special tag used to denote Directory entries that are pick-up locations. Do not delete this tag.
Service define the endpoints that are used to facilitate communication and integrations across the ReShare environment. Service accounts first must be defined in the Settings app before they can be assigned to a Directory entry.
The following service combinations are in active use by ReShare. (Note that there are additional services available to support future work, but not all of these are currently in use.)
Type: ISO18626, Function: ILL
ISO18626 is a standard protocol for interlibrary loan transactions. ReShare uses this protocol to communicate between libraries within a resource sharing network. An ISO18626 endpoint must be created for each library by the service provider managing the network before being defined here.
Type: HTTP, Function: Stats
ReShare uses an internal statistic service to track lend-to-borrow ratios and apply load balancing algorithms when a new request is assigned. The endpoints for use by this service must be created for each library by the service provider managing the network before being defined here.
Type: OAI-PMH, Function: Harvest
If a library provides an OAI-PMH endpoint to support harvesting of records from its local ILS, that service can be defined here. Note that at this time, this service is for informational purposes only and does not directly support any functions within ReShare. Harvesting into the ReShare Shared Inventory must be configured by your service provider.
Type: Z39.50, Function: RTAC
A library can make available its Z39.50 address to allow real-time availability checking (RTAC) of its local catalog. Note that at this time, this service is for informational purposes only and does not directly support any functions within ReShare. To enable RTAC when responding to a supply request, please configure your Z39.50 details in the Resource Sharing Settings.
Type: NCIP, Function: Circ
A library can make available its NCIP endpoint to allow circulation actions within its local catalog. Note that at this time, this service is for informational purposes only and does not directly support any functions within ReShare. To enable NCIP for use with ReShare, please configure your NCIP details in the Resource Sharing Settings.
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