OLE Workflow Ingestion Process - Branch

OLE Workflow Ingestion Process - Branch


  1. Open the default local properties file
  2. Add the workflow unpack property
  3. Start Tomcat


  1. During application startup the default workflow XML files for OLE FS will be automatically unpacked into the default pending directory
  2. You should see these 2 lines in the Tomcat output
    Copying [classpath:META-INF/ole-workflow.resources] -> [~/.kuali/ole/fs/work/staging/workflow/pending]
    Copied 28 files
  3. Once the application has started up you will have a local directory structure that mimics what is in Subversion
    1. https://svn.kuali.org/repos/ole/branches/dev/50-upgrade-test-1/ole-app/ole-db/ole-workflow/src/main/resources/

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