OLE Gliffy Sandbox Instructions
OLE Gliffy Sandbox Instructions
Start new Gliffy drawings from OLE Sandbox- Saved Gliffy's.
Use the following instructions to take advantage of Gliffy Drawing Tools for creating workflow or dataflow models that can be saved and imported into Google Docs as image files.
- Permissions-based.
- Primarily for team analysts, and available to others as needed. Email kgerdink@kuali.org.
- Go to OLE Sandbox- Saved Gliffy's.
- Make sure you are logged into Confluence (upper right- do you see your name? If not, click on "Log in").
- Go to "Add" menu, and select "Gliffy Diagram".
- Use Gliffy tool to create workflow diagrams and others.
- Upon "save" of draft diagram, the file will be saved in Confluence and Image will be saved to the OLE Sandbox- Saved Gliffy's page.
- Note: in Save popup window, go to further options and select to insert at bottom of page, and size Small or medium.
- Optional: Under "File" menu, user has option to save a version as PDF, JPG, PNG for easy import into Google Docs Specifications Template.
- Please name any drawings by Team, Subject, Date, title.
- For help:
- Unknown macro: {html}
<A href=" http://www.gliffy.com/products/confluence-plugin/" mce_href=" http://www.gliffy.com/products/confluence-plugin/" target="_Blank"> Gliffy.com</A>
- Unknown macro: {html}
<A href=" http://www.gliffy.com/blog/user-manual/" mce_href=" http://www.gliffy.com/blog/user-manual/" target="_Blank"> Confluence help- Gliffy addin and User Guide</A>
Sandbox- Sample Diagram
, multiple selections available,
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