EBSCO Provider Documentation
Provider profile
Data manager | |
Data manager email | |
Provider contact | Harry Kaplanian |
Provider contact email | hkaplanian@ebsco.com |
Provider contact phone | |
Source type | FTP |
Source location | User name: jake |
Update frequency | Monthly |
Update method | New files deposited on FTP site |
Change feed | Change files are included on FTP site |
KBART compliant? | N |
Notes | The files on this site have the following naming convention: xxx-jake.txt, where: xxx = the code for the database concerned. The files are tab-delimited. Row one contains the column names. The columns, which are set to comply with rules set by the jake system, are: RESOURCE Full name of database TITLE Journal title ISSN CITATION START: Start date of A&I coverage (yyyy-mm-dd format) CITATION END: End date of A&I coverage (yyyy-mm-dd format) FULL TEXT START: Start date of Full text FULL TEXT END: End date of full text DB IDENTIFIER: Unique EBSCO-assigned code for the JOURNAL URL BASE: URL to Journal detail page on EBSCOhost PUBLISHER: Publisher information for the journal RESOURCE ID:Database code EMBARGO: A note indicating the length of any embargo period If there is no FullTEXT_START, the title is A&I only. If there is no FullTEXT_END, coverage is ongoing (see embargo note). The FTP site also includes a file named productlist.txt which contains the list of databases included on the site and their respective database codes. |
Transformation | Notes |
EBSCO full conversion macro | This macro removes A&I only titles, renames all relevant columns, adds missing columns and populates when possible, and converts dates. |
Operated as a Community Resource by the Open Library Foundation