Host LMS shelving locations

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Host LMS shelving locations

Host library management system (LMS) shelving locations in ReShare represent your library’s shelving locations. ReShare allows you to manage these shelving locations by setting supplying priorities across various shelving locations, blocking shelving locations from lending as a whole, and configuring overrides to block certain Host LMS location/shelving locations from lending.

Data sources

Shelving locations are created in two possible ways:

Z39.50 auto-responder

If you use the Z39.50 auto-responder to reply to requests AND your LMS returns a value in the shelvingLocation field, ReShare will automatically pull in the name of each LMS shelving location provided and store it in the Host LMS shelving locations table. This happens in real time as requests are placed. Shelving locations are given a supplying priority of 0 when initially added to the Host LMS shelving locations table.

NOTE: Several library management systems do not return shelving location values in their Z39.50 response so it may be possible that this table does not get auto-populated for your tenant.

Sierra, Voyager, Horizon and Koha systems are known to output the location+shelving location data as a combined value output in the Host LMS location.


If you do not use the Z39.50 auto-responder to reply to requests AND you wish to designate a shelving location value when marking a request “will supply” you can manually add a new shelving location to the host LMS shelving locations table.

NOTE: Although Host LMS shelving locations can be added manually when you use the Z39.50 auto-responder to reply to requests, it is recommended that users allow the auto-responder to automatically add the shelving locations to the host LMS shelving locations table to guarantee that the value added to the Shelving location code field is exactly as it is returned from Z39.50.

Responding “will supply”

If you manually respond “will supply” to a request, the value you enter in the Shelving Location field will come from a drop down list of the values configured in the Host LMS shelving locations table that have a supplying priority greater than or equal to 0. If no shelving locations are configured in the Host LMS shelving locations table or all entries have a supplying priority of -1, the Shelving Location field will not display in the Respond “Will Supply” window.

Host LMS shelving locations settings

You can manage Host LMS shelving locations by going to Settings>Resource Sharing>Host LMS shelving locations.

The setting provides you with a table of shelving locations to which you can add various parameters.

Supplying priority

The supplying priority determines which item will be selected to lend if items are available at the same library location but reside in multiple shelving locations. The priorities work as follows:

  • Shelving locations with negative priorities will not be used to supply.

  • Shelving locations with priorities greater than or equal to 0 will be chosen starting with the highest number.

  • Locations with equal priorities will be chosen at random, if their priority is the highest.

  • If the priority is left blank, it will default to 0.


Clicking the pencil icon will allow you to edit the Shelving location and Supplying priority. The Shelving location code is non-editable.

Clicking the trash can icon allows the shelving location to be removed from the list. If the shelving location is associated with a request, the shelving location will not be deleted but hidden from display. The next time the shelving location is returned by the Z39.50 auto-responder response it will re-display in the list with the same settings it had before it was “hidden”.

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