OpenRS Happy Path Testing for EBSCO folk


With a live date of June 12, we need your help to expedite the OpenRS testing process in the production for the 62 MOBIUS FOLIO ECS member libraries. Internal testing prior to customer access will give us the insight into software and configuration issues prior to go-live but is also expected to build confident with member libraries. For member libraries, we have created a training video that gives audience members an understanding of the product and how it functions which includes a happy path demo of the software for FOLIO users.

Testing recipe

To test the happy path for OpenRS for a FOLIO library, you will need a few ingredients:

Record criteria

There are three records and the required criteria for Happy Path testing:


  • Eligible to borrow via OpenRS. For each library, one or more patron groups are allow to borrow. You can find this information on a per library basis in a MCO managed sheet called “Borrowing Patron Groups”. Look for the library in column A and find the eligible patron groups in column B.

  • The ability to authenticate via barcode and PIN or SSO [link to the authentication methods per library]


  • A singularly held title (that is, the only library to have this title across all 81 MOBIUS libraries, not just the 62 on FOLIO ECS).

  • Encoded to display in Locate (i.e. not suppressed).

  • Has a linked item.


  • Encoded to display in Locate (i.e. not suppressed).

  • Available to request via OpenRS. You can find this information on a per library basis in a MCO managed sheet called “Lending Material Type Mapping”. Look for the library in column A and find the eligible item from any of the valid material types in columns C through N.

  • Item has an available status.

  • Item is not subject to holds.

Testing happy path

The test scenarios require two member libraries, for example, Harris-Stowe State University and Truman University. In round 1, one library will play the role of borrower and the other will play the role of supplier. In round 2, the roles will be reversed.

We want to track a “pass/fail” for each use case. Where it fails, recording your steps in written narrative and screen recording or video/audio recording form works well.

Requests will take between 5-10 minutes to be reflected in both the lending and borrowing library systems. Please wait until both library systems show the request before moving to the next step. Likewise, it will take 5-10 minutes for FOLIO circulation activity to update the corresponding library. Please see the below use cases for when this is applied.

Use cases





Patron – Requesting

  • Search for supplier’s test bib record and click on the title.

    • This will take you to the detailed display.

  • Click on the Place a Hold button to request the item.

  • Select your affiliated institution

  • Enter your eligible test patron’s credentials

  • Select your pickup location and click on the Place Hold button

    • For scenario 4 only, also select a volume along with the pickup location

  • View the request confirmation and inform the supplier library of the successful request

  • Pause 5-10 minutes to allow for transaction updates

    • Then let the supplier know they can move forward

After a successful request, a virtual patron and a hold on the requested item should appear in the supplier’s system.

When finished with requesting scenario 1, move to the circulation use cases starting with “Lender – Supplying” and moving through the remainder of the circulation use cases. Then, move to requesting scenario 2 and when finished, move onto “Lender – Supplying” as you did with scenario 1 and so on. Rinse and repeat with scenarios 3 and 4.

Lender – Supplying

  • Go to the Requests application, filter by “Pages” and confirm the OpenRS request is there.

    • Click on the request and click through to confirm the requester information

  • Checkin the item to trigger the hold

    • View the displayed in-transit message; is the item in-transit to the expected location?

  • Pause 5-10 minutes to allow for transaction updates

    • Then inform the borrower know they can move forward with their next step.

When the item is loaned to the borrower, the DCB will detect the loan and then perform a checkout to the virtual patron on the supplier system.


Borrower – Loaning

  • Checkin the item to place the item on the holdshelf

  • Checkin the item and observe the displayed message(s) for a hold slip

  • Checkout item to the patron

    • Is the request closed after patron checkout?

  • Pause 5-10 minutes to allow for transaction updates


Lender – Loaning

  • Check that the item has been loaned and has a due date


Borrower – Returning

  • Checkin item from patron return

    • Checkin the item and observe the displayed message(s); is it being put into transit to the lending location?

    • Confirm that the checkin results in clearing the loan.


Lender – Returning

  • Item returned for checkin at lending location

    • Upon checkin, is the loan closed?


Operated as a Community Resource by the Open Library Foundation