Testing Polaris circulation -- draft

Placeholder page until we have an end-to-end in hand.


The intention of this round of testing is to cover the major use cases for resource sharing via DCB. What is reflected “in scope” is approximately 80% of the use cases required to have a complete solution supporting resource sharing. Over the coming months, the remainder of the use cases will be developed, tested and then supported on-going for Sierra, FOLIO, FOLIO ECS and Polaris.

During the beta testing phase, please be aware that updates to member records and transactions will take between 2-5 minutes to complete.

In scope

  • Polaris libraries

  • Item request workflow

  • Full happy path circulation lifecycle

    1. Lending workflow

    2. Borrowing workflow

  • Patron cancellation of a request

    • Polaris workflow

    • PolarisPAC

    • Vega

Not in scope

  • Sierra, FOLIO, FOLIO ECS platforms

  • Volume-level requesting

  • Patron eligibility/blocks

  • Pickup anywhere

  • Geographic proximity item selection

  • Item owning site cancellation

  • Transfer to another item

  • Renewals

  • Holds

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