Open World Testing


During Open World testing, all MOBIUS member libraries will use OpenRS DCB in the pre-production (a.k.a. dress rehearsal) environment. Testing will serve as an opportunity to gain familiarity with the software and give everyone opportunity to confirm configuration. Since the pre-production environment is only connected to production environments, it is important to coordinate requesting and circulation testing with other members to ensure that daily operations are not adversely impacted.

As part of exercising the software, all member libraries will test a set of familiar use cases. Exercising these use cases are intended to give all of us the confidence that the software has been sufficiently vetted, across all platforms and that your library can move smoothly from using INN-Reach to OpenRS DCB. A set of member-created records will provide the vehicle to exercise the OpenRS DCB software. The content of these test records follows a strictly-defined syntax to support vetting the software against use cases.

During testing, if you encounter unexpected behaviors, please record your steps and report issues to MCO. Recording your steps can be performed in narrative, screen recording and/or video/audio recording form.

Use cases

This section contains three sets of use cases:

Union Catalog Build and Search

Please note that the Union Catalog Build and Search use cases will use existing records in your collection.


Use cases

Record sets


Contribute and suppress bibliographic/instance records

  • Change an unsuppressed bib/instance in your collection to be suppressed.

    • Observe the results in the union catalog

  • Change a suppressed bib/instance in your collection to be unsuppressed.

    • `Observe the results in the union catalog

  • Delete a bib from your collection. Is the bib record removed from the OpenRS union catalog?


  • Modify a bib/instance record encoded to contribute to the union catalog.

    • Confirm the results in Locate DCB.

  • Modify a bib/instance record encoded to not contribute to the union catalog.

    • Confirm the results in Locate DCB.

Existing records from your collection

Reminder: the DCB harvests on a periodic basis. In production, it will occur between 4 and 24 hours. During the testing period, harvesting updates will occur every 2 minutes.

Bib/Instance record clustering

See clustering use cases


Union catalog searching

  • Search for titles from your collections within Locate DCB and review the results.

  • Review the detailed holdings.

    • Are all copies for your library present?

    • Are copies present that should not be present?

    • For those on a shared system, confirm that only MOBIUS members are included.

  • Apply a facet category value to the title you searched for. Did you get the expected results? If not, why not?

    • Please repeat this test for each facet category and relevant category values.

  • Apply sorting to search results.

Existing records from your collection

Repeat the uses cases using a range of records from your collection. If you encounter unexpected behavior, please record your steps and send to MCO.

Happy Paths for Requesting and Circulation

There are 4 scenarios for requesting with each exercising slightly different aspects of the requesting logic.

  1. A solely owned title with 1 available item

  2. A solely owned title with 1 available item and 3 unavailable items

  3. A shared title with multiple available items

  4. A shared multi-part title with multiple available items

While there is only a single happy path circulation use case, the requesting scenarios set the stage for variation in circulation rules and, hence, testing the configuration. With each requesting scenario, you and your partner will also run through the circulation use case. That is, you will exercise the happy paths for requesting and circulation a total of 4 times.

Please note that these use cases will use the member-created test records according to the section Test record template guide.

Use cases


Test records




Patron – Requesting

  • Search for supplier’s test bib record and click on the title.

    • This will take you to the detailed display.

  • Click on the Place a Hold button to request the item.

  • Select your affiliated institution

  • Enter your eligible test patron’s credentials

  • Select your pickup location and click on the Place Hold button

    • For scenario 4 only, also select a volume along with the pickup location

  • View the request confirmation and inform the supplier library of the successful request

  • Pause 2 minutes to allow for transaction updates

    • Then let the supplier know they can move forward

After a successful request, a virtual patron and a hold on the requested item should appear in the supplier’s system.

When finished with requesting scenario 1, move to the circulation use cases starting with “Lender – Supplying” and moving through the remainder of the circulation use cases. Then, move to requesting scenario 2 and when finished, move onto “Lender – Supplying” as you did with scenario 1 and so on. Rinse and repeat with scenarios 3 and 4.

Lender – Supplying

  • Search for the virtual patron’s barcode and display the patron’s record

    • Review the virtual patron data; will all relevant data elements in both the virtual patron and item record result in the appropriate circulation loan rule being applied?

  • Produce a paging slip or pick list for the requested item

    • Review the data and confirm that all data is as expected

  • Checkin the item to trigger the hold

    • View the displayed in-transit message; is the item in-transit to the expected location?

    • Package the item for transit to the pickup location

  • Pause 2 minutes to allow for transaction updates

    • Then let the borrower know they can move forward with their next step.

Use the records corresponding from requesting scenario.

When the item is loaned to the borrower, the DCB will detect the loan and then perform a checkout to the virtual patron on the supplier system.

Sierra will direct the user to put the item in-transit to the pickup location.

Leap will direct the user to put the item in-transit to an ILL location. Within the Leap hold record, the note fields contains the borrower’s selected pickup location.

Borrower – Loaning

  • Search for the virtual item by barcode and display the record

    • Review the virtual item data; will the relevant data result in the the correct loan rule?

  • Checkin the item and observe the displayed message(s)

    • Review all configured outputs (e.g. in-transit slips, hold slips, patron notifications, etc.) and confirm all data is as expected for each output

  • Checkout item to the patron

    • Review the due date and loan rule; are these correct?

      • If a date due slip is configured to produce, does it contain the correct information.

    • Is the hold removed after patron checkout?

  • Pause 2 minutes to allow for transaction updates

    • Then let the lender know they can move forward with their next step

Use the records corresponding from requesting scenario.


Lender – Loaning

  • Search for the item and review the status and due date; was the correct loan rule applied?

Use the records corresponding from requesting scenario.


Borrower – Returning

  • Checkin item from patron return

    • Checkin the item and observe the displayed message(s); is it being put into transit to the lending location?

    • Confirm that the checkin results in clearing the loan.

    • If configured, is the transit slip produced and does it contain the expected information?

Use the records corresponding from requesting scenario.


Lender – Returning

  • Item returned for checkin at lending location

    • Upon checkin, is the checkout cleared?

Use the records corresponding from requesting scenario.


Alternate Paths for Requesting and Circulation

Please note that these use cases will use the member-created test records according to the section Test record template guide.

Use cases


Test records



  • requestable item, select your patron affiliation and then incorrectly enter your eligible test patron’s credentials

    • Take note of the system response



  • Attempt to place a request using an ineligible test patron record for the following 3 scenarios:

    • Ineligible patron due to patron type/code/group

    • Ineligible patron due to manual block

    • Ineligible patron due to automated blocks

    • Take note of the system response

There are three ineligible scenarios listed here. Using the same patron record, exercise each independently from one another by modifying the patron record. Understandably, the automated blocks (excessive fines/fees/checkouts, etc.) may be more challenging to setup. Feel free to create separate records for each scenario.


  • In the record set Solely owned, multiple copies change item 1 to a non-circulating status.

  • Search for supplier’s test bib record and click on the title.

    • This will take you to the detailed display

  • Does the “Place a hold” button display?

This case should result in a failure to present a hold button to the end user, hence not allowing a request. Current Locate DCB behavior is to show no holdings and not display a “Place a Hold” button.

  • In the record set Shared title, one copy change item 2 from a MOBIUS “NON-CIRC” item type to a “CIRC” item type

  • Search for supplier’s test bib record and click on the title.

    • This will take you to the detailed display

    • Take a screen shot to capture the complete list of libraries with holdings then immediately…

  • …Click on the Place a Hold button to request the item

  • Select your affiliated institution

  • Enter your eligible test patron’s credentials

  • Select a pickup location

  • Click on the “Place a Hold” button.

  • Wait 5 minutes.

  • Look at the borrower site hold.

    • Record who is the supplier.

    • Compare to the screenshot. Was the closest supplier selected?

If there are more than three libraries with an available copy, this case should result in a test of the location proximity algorithm and settings.

Additional use cases

Once the above use cases are complete, it’s time to cycle through related cases that will exercise the remainder of the MOBIUS Patron Type and Item Type mappings. Most MOBIUS libraries have each of the following types but, if not, just use the patron and item types that map to each of the MOBIUS types.

MOBIUS Patron Types







MOBIUS Item Types


Test record template guide

Every member library must create a set of test records to support Requesting and Circulation use case testing. Some records represent titles that are singularly owned and other represent titles that are shared with other members. The characteristics of these records are designed to be clearly distinguishable from other records in your systems. Following are sets of templates representing patrons, monographic and multi-part works and their items. In addition to Open World testing, these records are expected be used in ongoing beta testing, training and troubleshooting with MCO, EBSCO and K-Int support services after go-live so please maintain these records.

<library short name> is name of the library that you belong. For example, Springfield-Green County Library short name is “Springfield-Greene”. You can find the list of full, short names and abbreviations for all MOBUS members.

<library type> is the general type of library that you belong. Academic, Public, Special are valid types.








Eligible patron

  • Name: <library short name> + “Eligible”

  • Patron group/type/code: <eligible patron group/type/code>

  • Authentication principle/secret: <e.g. barcode/PIN or username/password>

Name: Tulsa Eligible
Patron group: Adult
Authentication principal/secret: 35467382900/1234

Ineligible patron

  • Name: <library short name> + “Ineligible”

  • Patron group/type/code: <ineligible patron group/type/code>

  • Authentication principle/secret: <e.g. barcode/PIN, username/password, etc.>

Name: SEMO Ineligible
Patron group: Community user
Authentication principal/secret: jabber/KeepItReal$9

Bibs/instances and items



Example bib



Example bib

Set 1 solely owned title with one copy

  • Bib

    • Title: <library short name> DCB bib 1

    • Author: <library short name>

    • Call number: <library short name>

  • Item

    • must have a circulating shelving location

    • must map to a MOBIUS “CIRC” item type

    • must have a status of on-shelf/available

    • must have a barcode

    • Not subject to holds

Title: Springfield-Greene DCB bib 1
Author: Springfield-Greene
Call number: Springfield-Greene



Set 2solely owned title with multiple copies per library

  • Bib

    • Title: <library short name> DCB bib 2

    • Author: <library short name>

    • Call number: <library short name>

  • Item 1

    • must have a circulating shelving location

    • must map to a MOBIUS “CIRC” item type

    • item must have a status of on-shelf/available

    • Not subject to holds

  • Item 2

    • must have a circulating shelving location

    • must map to a MOBIUS “NON-CIRC” item type

    • item must have a status of on-shelf/available

    • must have a barcode

    • Not subject to holds

  • Item 3

    • must have a circulating shelving location

    • must map to a MOBIUS “CIRC” item type

    • item must have a status equivalent to not available

    • must have a barcode

    • Not subject to holds

  • Item 4

    • must have a circulating shelving location

    • must map to a MOBIUS “CIRC” item type

    • item must have a status of on-shelf/available

    • must have a barcode

    • Is subject to a hold

Title: WashU DCB bib 2
Author: WashU
Call number: WashU

Set 3 shared title with one copy per library

  • Bib

    • Title: <library type> DCB bib 3

    • Author: <library type>

    • Call number: <library type>

  • Item

    • must have a circulating shelving location

    • must map to a MOBIUS “CIRC” item type

    • must have a status of on-shelf/available

    • must have a barcode

    • Not subject to holds

Title: Academic DCB bib 3
Author: Academic
Call number: Academic

Title: Public DCB bib 3
Author: Public
Call number: Public

Title: Special DCB bib 3
Author: Special
Call number: Special

Set 4 shared multi-part title with multiple available items

  • Bib

    • Title: <library type> DCB bib 4

    • Author: <library type>

    • Call number: <library type>

  • Item 1

    • must have a circulating shelving location

    • must map to a MOBIUS “CIRC” item type

    • must have a status of on-shelf/available

    • must have a barcode

    • Not subject to holds

    • must have the volume statement populated

  • Item 2

    • must have a circulating shelving location

    • must map to a MOBIUS “CIRC” item type

    • must have a status of on-shelf/available

    • must have a barcode

    • Not subject to holds

    • must have the volume statement populated


Testing Partners



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