DCB Test References

DCB Discovery Scaffold



ILS Platform



ILS Platform


Springfield Green Public


Stephanie Ruhe stephanier@thelibrary.org, Sarah Francka-Jones sarahf@thelibrary.org

Tulsa City County Public


Peter Klein peter.klein@tulsalibrary.org, Sarah Peterson sarah.peterson@tulsalibrary.org

West Des Moines Public


Heather Hildreth heather.hildreth@wdm.iowa.gov

William Woods


Rachel Utrecht rachel.utrecht@williamwoods.edu

St Louis


Stephanie Nordmann



patron homeLibraryCode to Agency Mappings



patron homeLibraryCode to Agency Mappings


Springfield Greene public



Tulsa City County Public



West Des Moines Public



William Woods University



St Louis



Test Records











Springfield Green

Eligible patron
First name – TEST
Last name –
Barcode – 21492008420881
Patron – p17765882 (1776588 - 2 is check)

Title – ReShareDCB Test One
bib number – b37483298
copy 1 – i56152103
copy 2 – i56152140




Springfield Green

Ineligible patron
First name – TEST
Last name –
Barcode – 21492005935410
Patron – p14724844 (1472484)

Title – ReShare DCB Test Two
bib number – b37483316
copy 1 – i56152255
copy 2 – i561523220

DCB Discovery Scaffold




Eligible patron
First name – Test
Last name – Mobius
Barcode – 22345011487322
Patron – p23695845
PIN – 2000

Title – DCB test record 1
bib number – x
copy 1 – i66753909, barcode 32345075766817


DCB Discovery Scaffold





Ineligible patron
First name – Guest
Last name – Mobius
Barcode – 22345018617095
Patron – p25314403
PIN – 2000

Title – DCB test record 2
copy 1 – i66753910, barcode 32345075766825

DCB Discovery Scaffold

DCB test record 3 – 32345075766833, i66753922





[Eligible Patron]

First name - RESHARE

Last name - TEST

Barcode -

Patron - p1239869x (Ptype 181)


[Test title 1] + [item(s)]


Bib - b31335159

Copy 1 - i34886229 ; 0400000853780

Copy 2 - i34886230 ; 0400000853798

Agency: 6wmwu

Locations: [ “wdb” ]



[Ineligible Patron]

First name - INELIGIBLE

Last name - RESHARE

Barcode -

Patron - p1239953x


[Test title 2] + [item(s)]


Bib - b31335391

Copy 1 - i34886588 ; 0400000853863

Copy 2 - i3488659x ; 0400000853871




Patron John Mobius – eligible .p10767496  barcode 29880005448073

Test Bib Mobius 1 .b12846454

                .i1391103x barcode 39880007791494

                .i13911041 barcode 39880007791502







Patron Jane Mobius – ineligible .p10767502  barcode 29880005448081

Test Bib Mobius 2 .b12846466

                .i13911053 barcode 39880007791528

                .i13911065 barcode 39880007791510



St Louis

[Eligible Patron]


Last name - DCB

Barcode - 0088888888

Barcode - 0077777777

Patron - 1255192

PTYPE - SLCLAdult Resident

Password - 1234


[Test title 1] + [item(s)]

Title - Bugs

Bib - 636284

Copy 1 - Barcode 126448281, Record ID 2489899

Copy 2 - Barcode 126448190 Record ID 2273395

(optional, unrequestable location) Copy 3 - Barcode 126448448 Record ID 2068063



St Louis

[Ineligible Patron]


Last name - DCB

Barcode - 0077777777

Barcode - 0088888888

Patron - 1255630


Password - 1234

[Test title 2] + [item(s)]

Title - Nonagon infinity

Bib - 232181

Copy 1 - 118443183 Record ID 1947774

Copy 2 - 118443209 Record ID 1872997



Test Results (populate post-testing)


Test case

Borrowing library

Lending library




Test case

Borrowing library

Lending library








XCirc error: XCirc error : No items requestable, request denied. - [132 / 982]







Test Scripts

The primary purpose of the test scripts in this initial round is for all participants to become acclimated to the test process and confirm that results are expected and where not, take notes and analyze offline. As we move forward with testing, the test structure and execution will become more rigid culminating in a traditional UAT process.

We will record this session and make it available as a link from this page.

No changes to configuration on Sierra is expected. Any required mappings will be managed on the hub by Ian.

Each tester will share their screen when executing a step.

Test case 1: Eligible Springfield patron makes request for Tulsa item

  1. Ian will make a request via the discovery platform using Springfield patron p17765882 (TEST, 21492008420881) for Tulsa title “DCB test record 1” item i60469626.

    1. Ian will confirm via the API request and response that the request message went to the Tulsa Sierra system and successfully created a hold.

    2. Sarah or Peter will have a Sierra application launched and look in Sierra in all modes that would show an item-level hold for item i60469626.

      1. Item record contains patron hold?

      2. Review all data elements to confirm we have the expected data and where not, make note and move onto next test case.

  2. Print paging slip

    1. Sarah or Peter will print a paging slip containing a request for the item?

      1. Are all data expected data elements populated and does it contain the correct information?

        1. item shelving code/description

        2. borrowing agency code

        3. hub patron type

        4. patron pickup location

  3. Checkout to borrowing library

    1. Sarah or Peter will scan patron barcode 21492008420881 within Sierra checkout

    2. Sarah or Peter will observe the patron display and confirm it is the correct patron for this test.

    3. Sarah or Peter will then scan the item barcode 32345075766817

      1. Review the data on the display and confirm all data elements are populated and the correct loan rule has been applied.

      2. Sierra should display that the item needs to go in-transit to Springfield

    4. Close out transaction

Test case 2: Eligible Tulsa patron makes request for Springfield item

  1. Ian will make a request via the discovery platform using Tulsa patron p23695845 (TEST, 22345011487322) for Springfield title "ReShareDCB Test One” item i56152103.

    1. Ian will confirm via the API request and response that the request message went to the Springfield Sierra system and successfully created a hold.

    2. Stephanie or Sarah FJ will have a Sierra application launched and look in Sierra in all modes that would show an item-level hold for item i56152103.

      1. Item record contains patron hold?

      2. Review all data elements to confirm we have the expected data and where not, make note and move onto next test case.

  2. Print paging slip

    1. Stephanie or Sarah FJ will print a paging slip containing a request for the item?

      1. Are all data expected data elements populated and does it contain the correct information?

        1. item shelving code/description

        2. borrowing agency code

        3. hub patron type

        4. patron pickup location

  3. Checkout to borrowing library

    1. Stephanie or Sarah FJ will scan the patron barcode 22345011487322 within Sierra checkout

    2. Stephanie or Sarah FJ will observe the patron display and confirm it is the correct patron for this test.

    3. Stephanie or Sarah FJ will then scan the item i56152103 (barcode?)

      1. Review the data on the display and confirm all data elements are populated and the correct loan rule has been applied.

      2. Sierra should display that the item needs to go in-transit to Tulsa

    4. Close out transaction

Test case 3: Ineligible Springfield Green patron places request for Tulsa item

  1. Ian will make a request via the discovery platform using Springfield patron p14724844 (Test, 21492005935410) for Tulsa title “DCB test record 2” item i66753910

    1. Ian will confirm via the API request and response that the request message went to the Tulsa Sierra system and successfully created a hold.

    2. Sarah or Peter will have a Sierra application launched and look in Sierra in all modes that would show an item-level hold for item i66753910.

      1. Item record contains patron hold?

      2. Review all data elements to confirm we have the expected data and where not, make note and move onto next test case.

  2. Print paging slip

    1. Sarah or Peter will print a paging slip containing a request for the item?

      1. Are all data expected data elements populated and does it contain the correct information?

        1. item shelving code/description

        2. borrowing agency code

        3. hub patron type

        4. patron pickup location

  3. Checkout to borrowing library

    1. Sarah or Peter will scan patron barcode 21492008420881 within Sierra checkout

    2. Sarah or Peter will observe the patron display and confirm it is the correct patron for this test.

    3. Sarah or Peter will then scan the item barcode 32345083212663

      1. Review the data on the display and confirm all data elements are populated and the correct loan rule has been applied.

      2. Sierra should display that the item needs to go in-transit to Springfield

    4. Close out transaction

Test case 4: Ineligible Tulsa patron places request for Springfield item

  1. Ian will make a request via the discovery platform using Tulsa patron p25314403 (Guest, 22345018617095) for Springfield title "ReShare DCB Test Two” item i56152255.

    1. Ian will confirm via the API request and response that the request message went to the Springfield Sierra system and successfully created a hold.

    2. Stephanie or Sarah FJ will have a Sierra application launched and look in Sierra in all modes that would show an item-level hold for item i56152255.

      1. Item record contains patron hold?

      2. Review all data elements to confirm we have the expected data and where not, make note and move onto next test case.

  2. Print paging slip

    1. Stephanie or Sarah FJ will print a paging slip containing a request for the item i56152255

      1. Are all data expected data elements populated and does it contain the correct information?

        1. item shelving code/description

        2. borrowing agency code

        3. hub patron type

        4. patron pickup location

  3. Checkout to borrowing library

    1. Stephanie or Sarah FJ will scan the patron barcode 22345011487322 within Sierra checkout

    2. Stephanie or Sarah FJ will observe the patron display and confirm it is the correct patron for this test.

    3. Stephanie or Sarah FJ will then scan the item i56152255 (barcode?)

      1. Review the data on the display and confirm all data elements are populated and the correct loan rule has been applied.

      2. Sierra should display that the item needs to go in-transit to Tulsa

    4. Close out transaction



  • How to create and separate paging slips ReShare v. Local?

  • Print Templates?

  • Print by patron agency/home location – Scott will look at Sierra library

  • Sarah and Peter will setup a location for central


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