Internal testing process questions


  • [ ] Who will be on the call from our side that you need to include in arrangements?

    • @Ian Ibbotson (Use this one) , @Tim Auger

  • [ ] On the call, what role(s) does each have? (eg, facilitator, note-taker, observer, recording)

    • We will record the session so we can reconcile any notes taken.

    • Our focus will be on stepping through the actions and looking for anything that would be considered an exception.

  • [ ] Call Admin (intros, outros, etc):

    • Done

  • [ ] Test Guide / Facilitator:

    • @Tim Auger

  • [ ] Note-taker:

    • The Teams recording

  • [ ] Recording:

    • MS Teams

  • [ ] Observers:

    • Scott Peterson (MCO)

  • [ ] Other:

    • N/A

  • [ ] What is the session structure and flow? (share doc with team so we all know what to expect to happen in front of the client)

    • [link coming]

  • [ ] How long will the session run to cover going through and checking outputs of each test case, including allowing for technical disruptions and questions?

    • 60 minutes, potentially less

  • [ ] Schedule a debrief with team participants to follow immediately after the session for hot-takes and next steps

    • 30 minutes at the end of the session

I would like to post all test records, use cases, even the recordings on the OLF page.

  • [ ] What are the different data scenarios we are covering in the session?

  • [ ] Where are the test scripts / guides for each scenario? Share these with team

    • [link coming]

  • [ ] What patron and item data is being used in each test case?

  • [ ] What do we need to observe or collect at each step of different test cases, and how will we get it (eg, screenshot of placed request, console log output of newly created patron during auth, book band)?

    • With every step, we need to look for the unexpected. All customer partners are the domain experts and are expected to identify unexpected behavior. We will note this to our customers as part of level setting.

    • Since some of this will require mobility, we will need to request in advance.

  • [ ] Before or during the call, do we need to do or set up something different or additional to running through the test scripts in order to answer the D1 key questions (


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