• Subject to Change
  • Consortial FOLIO Integration

    Implementation Milestones



    • Definitions Required: expected workflow, lms interface, expected behaviour, alternative vocabulary

    • Data required: mappings, configs

    • Dependencies: technical, workflow

    Note: non-volume requests only

    Goal / Item

    Definitions Required

    Data Required


    Goal / Item

    Definitions Required

    Data Required


    Ingest from consortial FOLIO tenants

    • ingest strategy

    • suppression criteria


    • mapping: instance type to ???

    Check live availability of requested item

    • mapping: location to agency

      • Scope: client specific (though mapping implementation is common)

      • Reference value mapping:

        • Source category: Location

        • Source context: host LMS code

        • Source value: location code

        • Target category: AGENCY

        • Target context: DCB

    • mapping: material type to item type

      • Scope: client specific

      • Reference value mapping:

        • Source category: ItemType

        • Source context: host LMS code

        • Source value: material type name

        • Target category: ItemType

        • Target context: DCB


    Authenticate patron from consortial FOLIO library

    • authentication profile

      • Only supports BASIC/BARCODE+PIN

    • patron group to patron type

      • Same as for placing request at supplying agency


    Validate patron from consortial FOLIO library

    • mapping: patron group to patron type

      • Same as for placing request at supplying agency

    • config: default agency code for each host LMS (will be used as home library code is undefined for FOLIO patrons)

    Changes in validatePatron flow for FOLIO to accommodate how we compensate for home library code
    add default agency code config setting for each host LMS

    Place request to supply from consortial FOLIO library

    • how DCB should use pickup location to refer to an agency


    • home library code will be unset

      • No corresponding property in FOLIO

    • patron group to patron type

      • Status: Temporary

        • Will be changed to use patron group name once edge-users supports the property

      • Scope: client specific (though mapping implementation is common)

      • Reference value mapping:

        • Source category: patronType

        • Source context: host LMS code

        • Source value: patron group ID

        • Target category: patronType

        • Target context: DCB

    • requesting patron’s local type to patron type

      • Status: TBD

        • refactoring needed for FOLIO support

      • Scope: client specific

      • Other clients use, numeric range mapping:

        • Context: requesting patron’s host LMS code

        • Domain: patronType

        • Value: local patron type code

        • Target: DCB

    • patron type to patron group name

      • Scope: common

      • Source category: patronType

      • Source context: host LMS code

      • Source value: local patron type

      • Target category: patronType

      • Target context: DCB

    • pickup location to agency code

      • Scope: common

    Change to edge-users to return both patron group UUID and name

    Place request to borrow from consortial FOLIO library

    • how DCB should refer to the supplying agency (so the borrowing agency knows where to return it to)

    • mapping: item type to material type name

      • Status: TBD

      • Should be reciprocal mapping to material type to item type

        • Further investigation needed to confirm

    • mapping: pickup location to service point ID

      • Status: TBD

      • Assumed pickup location code will be UUID of service point

    • mapping: supplying agency code to location code

      • Used directly (no mapping)

    • mapping: requesting patron’s type to patron group

      • status: Temporary / DCB

      • Will use fixed / config value until patron type name is added to edge-users

    Extend PlaceHoldRequestParameters

    Circulate requests involving consortial FOLIO libraries as supplier




    Circulate requests involving consortial FOLIO libraries as borrower




    Handle patron cancellation




    Finalise completed requests





    unknown blocking workaround with expected consequences resolved

    • Parameters needed to define pickup location for a DCB transaction

      • 19 Dec: discussed in cross-development and further investigation underway by Tim / Volaris

      • 21 Dec: DCB only needs to provide service point id for the pickup location (and not name or code)

        • require mapping for: pickup location to agency code

        • require mapping for: agency code to service point id

    • Ingestion strategy

      • 19 Dec: decided in cross-dev that we will be ingesting on a per tenant basis

      • Will need development work to parse the instance ID from the OAI-PMH identifier (DCB-797)

    • How the DCB transaction status lines up with the item and request status based tracking implementation

      • The potential impact of this is likely better discussed with @Ian Ibbotson (Use this one)

      • It could require some refactoring to the current tracking implementation

      • Relates to the chain of responsibility topic discussed in cross-dev on 19 Dec

        • Followup call scheduled for 2 Jan 2024

    • How well the DCB transaction API differences can be hidden within the current Host LMS client without further refactoring

    • Additional mappings required



    Jira Ticket

    • TBD Implement FOLIO Circulation Lifecycle

    FOLIO Reference:

    Related Documentation

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