DCB Mappings
  • Working Draft
  • DCB Mappings

    This should include a list of mappings DCB needs from consortia, agencies and libraries that translate to canonical DCB values across ingest, clustering, request and circulation workflows.

    Each mapping should be sole focus of a single child-page of this index page and should include:

    • Common Name: how we consistently refer to this set of mapping data in DCB requirements and workflow discussions

    • Alternative Names: variations by context (such as alternative LMS nomenclature)

    • DCB Technical Name: fully qualified name for mapping in codebase references

    • Scope: at what level the mappings apply (which implies who would maintains the source data and the expected uniqueness boundaries), eg, global, consortium, agency , library, host lms

    • Maintenance: who provides and maintains the data (role and organisation type)

    • Purpose: what it is needed for in local systems and DCB

    • DCB Implementation: how it is used by DCB, including

      • workflows that use it

      • what happens when it’s missing

      • what happens when it’s present but wrong

    • DCB Admin:

      • integration status: not integrated, viewable, importable, editable

      • link to DCB Admin page for mapping (or tracked issue if not yet implemented)

    • Technical Reference: key parts of the DCB system that interact or rely on the mapping (eg, classes or functions)

    • Model:

      • type: reference, numeric range

      • target mapping scope: system, spine, DCB

      • link to import template

      • mapping structure (expected source and destination fields, including additional fields)

      • field validation (expected data formats, example of valid and invalid data)

    • DCB Canonicals: list of accepted DCB values that sources can map to

    Operated as a Community Resource by the Open Library Foundation