Alma integrations

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Alma integrations


Alma supports use of the OAI-PMH service to make catalog records available to ReShare.

To use OAI-PMH, you will complete your configuration activities in Alma. Note that this is a concise description of the process that focuses on specific actions that are needed for ReShare. For more detail, please see the Ex Libris documentation linked to each step below.

  1. Set up OAI integration.

    1. Note that one of the steps in the process is authorizing the IP addresses used by your ReShare service provider so that they can access the service.

  2. Create a set that contains the records you will contribute to ReShare.

    1. It is useful to include the word “ReShare” in your set name so that it’s easy to identify.

    2. The set content type must be “Physical titles.”

    3. The set type must be “Logical.”

  3. Create a publishing profile.

    1. It is recommended that you enable daily updates to keep your records as up-to-date as possible.

    2. Populate the “Set Spec” and “Set Name” fields with the name of Set you created in step 2.

    3. Use the “Data enrichment” tab to define the fields an subfields that will appear in your records to provide holding and item data.

    4. Return to the top of the publishing profile details and click “run” or “republish” to make your data available.

  4. Once the steps above are complete, provide your service provider with the following information needed to access your records.

    1. OAI-PMH URL: This URL will typically be formatted like https://<alma_domain>/view/oai/01UNIV_INST/request.

    2. Set name: This is the name of the set you create in step 2 above.


Alma supports integrations for all NCIP services used by ReShare. To use the NCIP service, you must first configure an Alma resource sharing partner that can be used with ReShare.

To configure NCIP for use with Alma, complete the following steps.

  1. Go to Settings>Resource sharing>Host LMS integration settings.

  2. Set each of the services you wish to use to “NCIP.”

  3. Choose “Alma” for the “Host LMS integration” field.

  4. Go to Settings>Resource sharing>Local NCIP settings.

  5. Populate each of the fields that appear on this page.

    1. NCIP app profile: Alma’s name for this field is “Resource sharing profile.” You must provide a value that matches the resource sharing profile name exactly. This value should be a single string with no spaces, for example ReShareIndexData.

    2. NCIP from agency: For Alma users, this value will be the same as the Alma institution code, for example, 01UNIV_INST. Note that the from and to agency values are the same for Alma.

    3. NCIP to agency: For Alma users, this value will be the same as the Alma institution code, for example, 01UNIV_INST. Note that the from and to agency values are the same for Alma.

    4. NCIP server address: This URL is configured in the resource sharing partner and will have the following format: https://<alma_domain>/view/NCIPServlet.


Alma supports catalog searching via Z39.50. This service allows ReShare to offer unmediated request responses via the auto-responder.

  1. Go to Settings>Resource sharing>Host LMS integration settings.

  2. Choose “Alma” for the “Host LMS integration” field.

  3. Go to Settings>Resource sharing>Z39.50 settings.

  4. Populate the Z39.50 server address field with your Alma Z39.50 URL.

    1. This URL will typically be formatted like: http://<alma_domain>:1921/01UNIV_INST

    2. Alma Z39.50 services are typically publicly available, so no special permissions will need to be granted for ReShare to use the service.


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