Evergreen integrations

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Evergreen integrations


Evergreen supports integrations for all NCIP services used by ReShare.

Configuring NCIP in ReShare

To configure NCIP for use with Evergreen, complete the following steps.

  1. Go to Settings>Resource sharing>Host LMS integration settings.

  2. Set each of the services you wish to use to “NCIP.”

  3. Choose “Evergreen” for the “Host LMS integration” field.

  4. Go to Settings>Resource sharing>Local NCIP settings.

  5. Populate each of the fields that appear on this page.

    1. NCIP app profile: This value is not used by Evergreen. You may enter a blank value or leave the system default.

    2. NCIP from agency: The from agency code defined in Evergreen.

    3. NCIP to agency: The to agency code defined in Evergreen.

    4. NCIP server address: The URL of your NCIP service. This is typically formatted like https://egcatalog.<librarycode>.org:443/NCIP-<librarycode>/


Evergreen supports catalog searching via Z39.50. This service allows ReShare to offer unmediated request responses via the auto-responder.

Configuring Z39.50

  1. Go to Settings>Resource sharing>Host LMS integration settings.

  2. Choose “Evergreen” for the “Host LMS integration” field.

  3. Go to Settings>Resource sharing>Z39.50 settings.

  4. Populate the Z39.50 server address field with your EvergreenZ39.50 URL.

    1. This URL will typically be formatted like: http://egcatalog.<librarycode>.org:210/<librarycode>

    2. Evergreen Z39.50 services are typically publicly available, so no special permissions will need to be granted for ReShare to use the service.

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