


The core framework that is required for any additional library (such as react-18next or next-i18next).

i18next handles

  • splitting translations into multiple namespace files

  • what to load and how to fallback depending on language

  • support for objects and arrays


An internationalisation framework which is based on i18next. It is used together with i18next to provide:

  • useTranslation hook

  • <Trans> component (to integrate html and react nodes within translation strings, such as for links and formatting)


next-i18next is used on top of i18next and react-i18next.

  • It uses features from both frameworks.

  • Features such as the useTranslation hook come from react-i18next, but need to be imported from next-i18next.

Next-i18next adds functionality to support SSG/SSR.

Why next-i18next?

  • Easy to implement

  • It is used with react-i18next, which is one of the most used internationalisation libraries

  • Resources/documentation for implementation

    • There are many articles which state how to use next-i18next with the pages directory, including this one

  • Loads translations from the local directory structure and renders the pages on server side.

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