Handy SQL
Handy SQL
Shelving Location Report
select http://sl.id sl_id, sl.code sl_code, sl.name sl_name, sl.agency_id sl_agency, lms.id lms_id, lms.code lms_code, lms.name lms_name, l.id parent_loc_id, l.agency_fk parent_loc_agency, l.code parent_loc_code, l.name parent_loc_name, l.type parent_loc_type
from shelving_location sl,
host_lms lms,
location l
where sl.host_system_id = lms.id
and sl.location_id = l.id
Location Report
select l.*, lms.*
location l,
host_lms lms
where l.host_system_id = lms.id
and l.type='BRANCH'
Needed reports
Locations without agency set
Shelving Location Without Locations
Set all Tulsa locations to have Tulsa agency
update location set agency_fk = '102f96bc-11c5-5262-9ce7-173aa03c58f3'
where host_system_id = '1f21830c-a893-5dac-af6e-d7f9bddcb2be'
Set all SGCL locations to SGCL agency
Checking polling schedule
Operated as a Community Resource by the Open Library Foundation