Tracking Challenges

Tracking Challenges

At the moment, DCB in production is taking a long time (over 12 hours) to complete a full cycle of tracking. This has led to requests not being updated in a timely manner, which is particularly apparent for requests waiting for confirmation

Underlying Causes

  • Requests fulfilled by libraries using FOLIO are never completed due to a combination of:

    • DCB completes the request and starts finalisation when the item is returned and locally checked in at the supplying library

    • DCB detects the local check in in FOLIO supplying libraries when the local transaction status changes to CLOSED

    • mod-dcb requires that a virtual check out or virtual check in be performed prior to the local check in at the supplying library (upon receiving the item back from the borrowing library). When this does not occur, mod-dcb will not change the local transaction status to CLOSED when the local check in occurs

    • A known calendar issue causes all virtual check outs in a FOLIO supplying library to fail

    • DCB does not currently support triggering a virtual check in (at supplying library)


  • To reduce the lag for requests awaiting completion, a support person runs a script each day to perform tracking on each request that is awaiting confirmation

Product Decisions

  • In order to detect issues related to virtual check out failures, change DCB to escalate these failures

    • Especially important for requests fulfilled by a FOLIO library, as this causes the request to never complete in DCB (and never be finalised, which will affect other libraries)

Integration Decisions

  • Reduce the constraints / preconditions in mod-dcb to move the (local) transaction to CLOSED status irrespective of whether a virtual check in or virtual check out has been performed prior to a local check in upon receipt of the item back from the borrowing library

    • Needs to be agreed with Volaris team

Development Decisions

  • Split tracking into 2 separate background tasks:

    • More timely tracking (requests in REQUESTS_PLACED_AT_SUPPLYING_AGENCYstatus that are awaiting confirmation)

    • Less timely tracking (all other requests in a tracked status)

Clean Up Activities

  • In order to remove them from tracking, force completion / finalisation of requests fulfilled by a FOLIO library where the item has been returned to the supplying library and locally checked in prior to the known calendar issue being deployed to production

Related Issues

DCB-1370: Requests stuck in status "REQUEST_PLACED_AT_SUPPLYING_AGENCY"Draft

DCB-1501: RT: 5931564 - Temporary records are not clearing for SLCLDraft

MODDCB-119: Add DCB calendar and assignment of SPs to itClosed



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