Sierra workflow screen recordings & testing prompts
During the beta testing phase, please be aware that updates to member records and transactions will take between 2-5 minutes to complete.
OpenRS DCB requesting workflow
Confirm the circulation status of the test record.
Place a hold on the test record, this should take you to the affiliated institution drop down.
Confirm your institution is represented as desired and select it.
Confirm the credential prompts are correct and enter credentials.
When the place hold modal displays, confirm all of the pickup locations for your institution are represented as desired and select the pickup location.
Confirm the request is successfully placed.
Lending fulfillment workflow
Catalog Mode
Confirm that the virtual patron is created and it has the expected values for virtual patron type, home library location, name field, barcode.
An item-level hold is created and linked to the virtual patron.
Notices mode
Confirm that a paging slip is generated and contains the expected data.
Item paging slip (email)
[insert latest customer version]
Check-in mode
Checkin the item and confirm the hold is triggered.
In the hold message modal, select “In transit to [pickup institution]”
Confirm that the item state changes to In-Transit and a staff message is added to the item.
Print in-transit slip
Confirm that all data elements and formatting is as expected.
Borrowing fulfillment workflow
Checkout mode – patron record and hold
Optional: Confirm in catalog mode or search/holds mode that the virtual bib and virtual item are present and contain the expect values in the location, status and barcode fields.
Enter checkout mode to confirm an item-level hold is created and linked to the borrowers patron record.
Checkin mode – receive item
Checkin the virtual item and confirm that the hold is triggered.
Confirm that the virtual item state is transitoned to "!" On Holdshelf.
Confirm that the patron notification is generated.
Checkout mode – patron loan
Checkout the item to the patron and confirm the checkout date.
If used, print a holdshelf slip.
A peak at the item at the lending library…
At the lending library, confirm that the item has been checked out to the virtual patron and that it has the expected due date.
Confirm the hold has been removed.
[the in-transit message field not being removed is a bug we have fixed since the recording was made].
Checkin mode – item return from patron
Patron returns the item; checkin the item and confirm that the virtual item status field has been updated to “Available”
[Optional] Produce an in-transit slip.
Lending Library Checkin mode – item returned
Checkin the item at the lending library.
Confirm that there is no longer a link between the virtual patron and the item.
Patron cancellation workflow
Screen recording for WebPAC, Encore
In Sierra and patron facing applications like OPACs and Discovery applications, ability to cancel a request. Request should immediately clear from the patron record.
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