When viewing a GOKb project in OpenRefine, you will see a series of error and warning messages in the left hand navigation pane. Fixing these errors ensures that the data being ingested into GOKb is of uniform high quality. Primarily, they check to make sure that all required fields are present and that the data in each cell is formatted correctly.

Error messages must be resolved before you will be allowed to ingest a file into GOKb. Warning messages do not need to be resolved – they highlight missing data that you may want to add, but that is not required. 


Step 1: Open your project

Step 2: Rename columns

Step 3: Add missing columns

Step 4: Address invalid data

One or more rows contains invalid dates in the column "DateFirstPackageIssue"  or One or more rows contains invalid dates in the column "DateLastPackageIssue"
Data in the column "KBARTEmbargo" must follow the KBART guidelines for an embargo.
Data in the column "CoverageDepth" must follow the KBART guidelines for an coverage depth.

One or more rows contain duplicated data for the column "title.identifier.issn."
One or more rows contain duplicated data for the column "title.identifier.eissn."

Step 5: Review additional fields

KBART column nameGOKb custom column name
title_id (when using a provider's proprietary ID)


Ex. title.identifier.sage

title_id (when using a DOI)title.identifier.doi
publisher_name (when used for imprints)


Next step

Once you've resolved all of your error messages and any warning messages you choose, you will be ready to Ingest a Project Into GOKb.