CauseRequestComponent affected
Match was made on 1st class identifier but title name seems to be very different.New Title added as a variant of Existing Title.Title
Publisher supplied in ingested file is different to any already present on TI.Added new publisher name as a publisher on title.Title
This TIPP was not present when ingesting a package update. Please check to see if it should be deleted.TIPP Not present when performing package update. TIPP
No 1st class ID supplied and no match could be made on title name.New TI created.Title
No 1st class ID supplied but reasonable match was made on the title name.New Title added as a variant of Existing Title.Title
Ingest file issn matched an existing eissn. / Ingest file e-issn matched an existing issn.Identifier type mismatch.Title
TitleĀ [Existing Title] matched, but ingest identifiers [List of IDs] differ from existing ones in the same namespaces.Identifier mismatch.Title
TitleInstance [TI-ID] was matched on one identifier, but at least one other ingest identifier differs from existing ones in the same namespace.New TI created.Title
Multiple TitleInstances [List of TI-IDs] were matched on one identifier, but none matched for all given IDs.New TI created.Title
An update to package [PKG-ID] did not contain [Number of missing TIPPs] previously existing TIPPs.TIPPs retired.Package
The platform [Platform Name] did not exist and was newly created.New platform createdPlatform
The existing platform matched for this TIPP ([Platform-ID]) is marked as [Platform Status]! Please review the URL/Platform for validity.
Platform not marked as current.
This TIPP was previously marked as Retired, but has now been set back to Current again.
Retired TIPP reenabled.
Matched TIPP was marked as Deleted.
Check TIPP Status.