Routing requests to a supplier

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Routing requests to a supplier

This page describes the processes that ReShare uses to determine the assignment of suppliers to requests.


The diagram below illustrates the overall workflow used to assign suppliers to a request.

Shared Inventory integration

ReShare supports an integration with the ReShare Shared Inventory app. When this option in use, ReShare will use the holdings information provided by the Shared Inventory to determine which suppliers have a lendable copy of the title that has been requested. These suppliers will be added to the rota using ReShare’s load balancing process.

To be considered an eligible supplier, a library must meet two criteria:

  • It must have at least one holding record attached to the title being requested in the Shared Inventory.

  • That holding must have a lendability status of “Will lend.”

The Shared Inventory integration makes use of ReShare’s load balancing process to order the suppliers in the rota.

For more detail about configuring the shared inventory integration, see the resource sharing settings page.

ILL loan policy

The routing process also takes into account the ILL loan policy configured on each Directory entry. If a library has set its policy to “Not lending,” it will not be considered as a supplier or added to the rota.

Static rota

ReShare supports the configuration of a static rota. When this option is in use, ReShare will simply create a rota of all listed suppliers in the order given (no load balancing is applied). For more detail about configuring a static rota, see the resource sharing settings page.


Operated as a Community Resource by the Open Library Foundation