Verify a Package Record in GOKb

Once you've ingested a title list into GOKb using OpenRefine, the first thing you should do if verify the package record for that list.


Step 1: Locate your package in the GOKb web app

Step 2: Review the package name

  • Confirm that your package name is correct.
  • If you think that people might search for the package using a term that isn't contained in the name, add a variant name.

Step 3: Populate package metadata fields (upper section)

  • Provider: The organization responsible for making the package available. This should be automatically populated with the provider selected in Refine.
  • Source: The location of the original data used to create the package. This should be automatically populated with the source selected in Refine.
  • List verifier: This should be you, or the person you expect to address any review tasks or follow up work associated with this list. Enter the first and last name.
  • List verifier date: This field should show when you set the current status of the list. Dates must be formatted like 2014-01-01. If you change the Edit Status, update this date as well.
  • Edit status: This field describes whether the package itself has been verified and is ready to use.

Step 4: Populate package details (lower section)

  • Scope: Indicates how the provider has scoped the content of the package. Choices are Aggregator, Back file, Front file, Master file, Undefined.
  • Breakable: Indicates whether or not a package can be broken up by a subscribing library (Yes) or must be subscribed to as a whole (No).
  • Consistent: Indicates whether this package is has the same content for all libraries that subscribe (Yes) or can be customized (No).
  • Fixed: Indicates whether the package can change contents once purchased (No) or remains static (Yes).
  • Global: Indicates whether the package is offered to all customers (Global) or to a limited group of users (Consortial).
  • List status: Indicates whether the list of TIPPs associated with the package has been verified and is ready to use.

Next step

 Process review tasks

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