RTAC: Check availability against the DCB service

RTAC: Check availability against the DCB service


  1. The keycloak base url

  2. The client identifier for keycloak

  3. The dcb service URL

  4. The bib cluster id you want the real time information for

  5. The user password

  6. The keycloak secret

  7. The user you want a token for


  1. Run the script getRtac.sh as follows

    1. ./getRtac.sh -b "<Keycloak base URL" -c "<Client identifier>" -d "<DCB Service URL>" -i "Cluster id>" -p "<User password>" -s "<Keycloak secret>" -u "<User>"



If you have json output that looks like availability information then the script has successfully run, otherwise you will need to check the arguments you supplied were correct.


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