Ways of setting configuration options
The DCB modules follow specific conventions which allow administrators to make changes to the configuration in a cascading hierarchy of locations.
By default, the DCB modules contain development, test and production deployment profiles. These can be found in src/main/resources as application.yml, application-development.yml and application-test.yml under src/test/resources.
Any yml property can be overridden by specifying an environment variable following specific naming conventions. For example, dcb-service contains the following entry
code: FirstItem
By specifying an environment variable named DCB_ITEMRESOLVER_CODE=Geo we can override this setting. This is most often done with a config or secret file in a k8s environment.
Additionally, a more complex form of overriding can take the form of an environment variable carrying a JSON payload. For example, the DCB test system carries the following environment variable:
MICRONAUT_APPLICATION_JSON: "{ \"dcb\":{ \"requestability\":{ \"location\": { \"codes\": { \"allowed\":[\"LM1-A1-SL1\",\"LM1-A2-SL1\", \"LM2-A1-SL1\", \"LM2-A2-SL1\", \"LM3-A1-SL1\"] } } } } }"
Which instructs the dcb service to limit requests to a specific subset of location codes. This is a less permanent and more site specific alternative to adding configuration to application.yml.
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