Library Configuration Load Process
After registering member libraries with dcb-service:
The following details are required
Register Host LMS definitions
Register Agencies
Import mappings
Local Item Type to Canonical Item Type
Canonical Item Type to Local Item Type
Local Patron Type to Spine
Spine to Local Patron Type
Flattened Location
To ensure the above details are loaded consistently between different environments, the details can be setup in tab separated, json or for some folio data in spreadsheets
So for processing the scripts for 1 or more sites
Ensure your unix environment has jq and pip installed
Now we need cvskit installed, so run the command
pip install csvkit
Clone the git repository
Change directory to scripts
Now run the command
./ -h
option gives you help, it is informing you of what options you can supply it and if the option takes a parameter. I will not list here the options offered by the script here as you will be confused if this says one thing and the script says another, what the script reports will always be correct, so it would be the case, ignore what you read here as it will probably be out of date.When you have supplied a legitimate command line you will prompted to confirm what you have entered before it executes the script
if you are happy press
otherwise press any other key, a <carriage return> is not required as it just takes the first keystroke. Note: If a site that the script is being run against has a number of mappings, then the script may take a while to run through the number of calls being made to the DCB service.
Any output is sent to the logs directory and begins with the site directory name, hopefully any errors will be easy to spot.
If the
flag was specified to enable ingest, then ingest should start happening not long after the start of processing the site (normally within 2 minutes).If the
option was specified then the output from patron authentication is in the file called <SITE NAME>_test.log, there are 2 tests performed using the patron details contained in test-data.shValidates that the patron is valid
Authenticates the patron
When you have finished running your scripts perform a commit / push back to the repository. If you are running against any non local environment then this will be recorded in the site directory file
, this is so we have a record of what has been run where.
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