All latest doctype xml are available @
1. Ingest Workflow doctype xmls : (thru XML Ingestor - Admin tab in Rice2)
OleLicenseRequestDocTypes.xml: It is a part of Rice framework, which will persist the data related to workflow for License. OleAgreementMaintenanceDocTypes.xml
2. Ingest License xml: (thru KRMS Builder - Rice Main Menu - Kuali OLE Modules License.xml: consists of Rule(s) and action, to initiate License workflow, Agreement method and License Request Type. Based on combination , Rules will execute the people's workflow.
3. Ingest Agreement (Docstore via Ingest String Content)
Needed for Find/Link Agreement (on LR Screen)
The above first 3 Steps are in the process to be Automated.
4. Create Requistion thru Requistion Screen. Click CheckBox on Licensing Requirement/Review: This will generate LR. After Submitting Requisition, See Related Document Id in Requistion , LR doc Id, PO Doc Id
5. Goto Rice Menu, Select LR doc and follow Approval workflow (stepwise : License Requested, Approval etc...) Check RouteLog to find to whom the LR is routed to for further action. Initial DocId is assigned to License-Assignee (e.g. say "fred" , login as fred in Rice2 )
6. After Approval of LR, Requistion workflow should move forward ( approve/Final Req.)
See for most recent license.xml file as of Sept 24.