Below is draft planning outline for approval. Teams, schedule and approach TBD.
I. Overview
- OLE requires committed SME's to complete User Documentation for all modules and all features delivered in the application. User documentation should be initiated well-before release deadlines, and in tandem with spec-writing, coding, and testing.
- Training, checklists, best practices will be shared across all Module SME team representatives, and the to-be-formed User Documentation team.
- User Documentation should be completed within 6-12 weeks after a scheduled milestone or product release (with some variation for milestone releases, depending on FC/PM decisions for support, schedule)
Item |
Purpose |
Audience |
Owner |
SME Contact |
Reviewers |
Notes |
Drivers Manual/ |
Reference manual for details of how to use features of OLE. Provide case studies also to show how to use OLE in specific situations. Provide notation for where users can customize |
All users of the software: |
Nora |
Will need one per module |
Will need to determine Reviewers |
Need to figure out SMEs and dates |
Technical Documentation |
Provide information about the technical processes of OLE |
Library IT |
Do we have someone specific to lead this? |
Release Documentation |
Provide detailed information about the changes and/or enhancements of each release of OLE |
All users of the software: |
Nora? |
Online Help |
First line of reference when users have a question as they're using software. Provide look-up within the OLE system and details of the functions available within OLE |
All users of the software: |
Nora with... |
Nora will need someone to assist in this effort |
Start-up guide |
Provide instructions for how to set up and configure OLE |
All users of the software: |
Nora with... |
Do we want to do something like this? Or handle this in one of the other pieces of documentation? Kathy does have CoA already started in Google Docs |
* Taken from
II. Outline: Content & Teams
- Module: Select & Acquire, including ERMS
- Module: Describe/Cataloging
- Module: Deliver/Circulation
- Module: Systems Integration, OLE Setup
- Technical Documentation (HTC)
*see outlines being developed for content of each module (attachments to this or other documentation pages, or Module Overviews)
III. Timeline
- Establish documentation timetables as offsets for each deliverable or assignment
- Begin user documentation
- Sketch outlines: develop in tandem once specs 50% complete
- Sketch content: Spec completion/signoff + 1 week
- Drafting content: in tandem with code/development and iterative code reviews; should be able to complete outline and some content
- Draft #1 user Documentation: within 2 weeks of sprint release for coded feature
- Draft #2 user documentation: Within 2 weeks after release of final code for features, or Release overall
- Format Review copies due: Draft #2 date + 2weeks (time consuming)
- Initial QA Review due: Format Review Date + 1 week
- Final due: Initial QA date + 2 weeks
- Publish due: Final date + 1-2 weeks
- Begin user documentation
- Add 10% + contingency to Draft #2/Format Review dates (ie, some code won't be completed until just before release)
- Create Documentation calendar for each Release, with above offsets for global release
- Publish within 10 weeks of Release date
- Coordinate schedule with Sprint Releases, and most current Milestone or Product Release schedules
- what are expectations for support, technical or user documentation:
- Snapshots: code only iterative/timely releases
- Milestone Releases: like OLE 0.3, 0.6, 0.8?
- Product Releases: like OLE 1.0, OLE 1.5, OLE 2.0 etc
- what are expectations for support, technical or user documentation:
- Monitor final code-promotion timetable to DEMO environment to determine when code for release is locked, and also when environments might be down
- Publish and communicate when servers are offline (maintenance, upgrades, refreshes, code promotions) and share with Writers- as they cannot access during those times for Screen Captures, etc.
IV. Resources
- Garner support and SMEs via Tiger/SME Teams or thru Functional Council as additional resources for initial efforts
- Identify documentation lead per module
- Identify documentation team per module- existing, past, or current features (ideally a rep from each spec team, or testers)
- Like "testers", add documentation rep as assignment to each spec handoff, and begin integrating into code review meetings with SME teams
- Regular meetings and training
- Allow each module to have own meetings, organization, manage assignment
- Monthly meetings at beginning of release for "touch base" with all writers/all modules
- Bi-weekly documentation meetings (across all modules, and leads) in 1 month before release, and 2 months after release up to publishing date
- Create sandbox for shared documents (schedules, training material, templates, and sandboxes for each module's user documentation drafts)
- Training (how to, templates, best practices, checklists)
V. Training
- Don't leave to last minute!
- Solicit help from other SMEs & manage mini writing assignments where helpful!
- Document Templates
- Publish format templates to sandbox
- Publish plain text with outline headings to sandbox
- Writers: plain text, and import to templates?
- Documentation Checklist: Content (bugs, fixes, new code, new screenshots, etc)
- Documentation Checklist: QA (overall)
- Documentation Checklist (Nora): Publishing
- Use of Sandbox, doc versioning, Track Changes
- Gliffy Sandbox: open-source modeling tool (like Visio!) for sharing and creating workflows, dataflows, or org chart models. Checkc out the OLE Gliffy Sandbox Instructions
VI. Quality Assurance & Review
- Draft Review Process (Content Completion)
- Format Review Process (QA in Template, continue edits)
- Quality Review Process (language, uniformity, standards, link checking)
- Final Approval Doc Review (all edits via redline or plain text substitutions; single doc owners for incorporating all edits)
VII. Publishing
- (Future) DocBooks
- Version Control
VIII. Maintenance
- Future Coding/Deliverables added
- Feature Enhancements
- Documentation Improvements (format, indexing, maximizing Adobe PDF outlining/indexing)
- Online Help
- Archiving between releases