- Sprint/Module Updates
- PM Report Review
- Sprint Backlog
- QA Manager - Update
- Need new environments to load million records that could persist with each refresh
- 13/14 hours to load the million
- Peri - has update with Jeff today, jira will be updated with status
- Issues
- Developing presentations for QA F2F
- New tester for Acquisitions team also Lehigh volunteers to test acquisition functionality
- Bug Reporting Process
- Wiki page being set up with process
- PM to work with QA Manager on process
Documentation/Release notes
Architecture Issues
- KFS 5.0 Upgrade
- Unicon performance testing
- Fork in the road (KFS)
- Instance Schema Update
- Solution robust - vetted with appropriate technical staff (Frances still required)
- UI Instance Editor discussion today with Peri/Michelle S
- Finalize and present to FC