- Jira status for Project
- Development effort, working with functional/technical
- OLE Requirements Overview (prepared by KG for PM- to be expanded with details to Roadmap, but could be used with developers)
- Other issues
- Architecture Issues
- Open Items
- KFS 5.0 Upgrade
- Unicon performance testing
- Fork in the road (KFS)
- Instance Schema (Agenda)
- Editors- next steps/FC?
- Open Items
- Current Sprint Update(8g)
- Specifications
- Kathy to insert update- MER, Describe, S&A
- Dan to insert update- Deliver, GoKB, external interfaces
- Development
- 8g Sprint info....
- Questions:
- Non-Roman characters display at Item Description in PURAP docs https://jira.kuali.org/browse/OLE-2934
- Ingesting Bibs for now, pending Instance decisions?
- Million records sufficient at this time until performance testing/test environment/anytime after 6:00 pm
- will do after code promotion 07/27/2012
- first time to do a mass load to test
- Work with JK to develop a standard data load practice for test
- Peri/Nianli to provide server configuration information
- Combining- linking Rice 1- Rice 2 menus https://jira.kuali.org/browse/OLE-3013
- QA/Testing
- Documentation/Release notes
- Specifications
- Sprint Backlog
- Community Updates
- OLE Board - Patty
- Functional Council - Patty
- OLE Tech Council - Patty
- ARC - Patty
- TRC - Nianli
- KTI - Nianli (Alternate?) (camel follow-up)
- KAI - Kathy (meeting notes- ongoing 2012)