Draft in progress. Content and decisions to be added over time.
OLE will revise and formalize an approach to user interface design, developing a User Interface & Interaction Model (UIIM) including standards for interface design, and user experience.
Kuali OLE partners will be included throughout in UUIM development, that may include:
- Philosophy
- Design Principles
- Schedule/Timeline
- OLE 1.0
- Post 1.0 Enhancements
- Online Help
- Reporting Tools, Saved Queries
- [OLE:OLE Rice 1.x vs. 2.x Development]
- Develop Standards & Best Practices
- Usability & Ergonomics
- Vertical Scroll/Pagination
- Navigation, Mousing-vs- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Data Entry aids (search assist, auto-complete, tips, hints)
- Develop Process for Reviews
- User Testing
- Design Prototypes
- Menu and Portal prototypes
- Landing Pages
- Style Guide
- Search
- Config Menus/UI's
- Mapping/ingesting data
- Data Dictionary
- UI/Editor setup options
- PeopleFlow
- Roles, Permissions
- System Rules for Roles & Defaults
- Error Messaging edits, tables
- My OLE- User Preferences
- Quality Assurance
- Codeable Spec and Mockup Reviews
- Code Reviews
- Consistency across platforms
- Browser Compatibility
- Accessibility
- Technical Review & Content Management
- Integrating OLE-FS (post 1.0)
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<A href="https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/leaf?id=0B1zG4eNDtxYpSm5Wb0lJc3FTMjZaVnQxRF85VjJydw&hl=en_US
" mce_href="https://docs.google.com/a/kuali.org/leaf?id=0B1zG4eNDtxYpSm5Wb0lJc3FTMjZaVnQxRF85VjJydw&hl=en_US
" target="_Blank">OLE UX Planning</A>
(link to Google Docs)