DCB-1092 Host LMS data presentation and source
This document is used to keep track of Host LMS data used in the DataGrids.
Field label - the label that the GraphGL data is displayed under.
GraphGL source - the JSON value where data is stored.
Translation key - the corresponding translation key, which is used to store the field label.
Missing - the value is currently not displayed in the datagrids
Host LMSs
Query: getHostLms
Field label (column) | GraphQL source | Translation key | Example (source) |
Host LMS name |
Host LMS code |
Default agency |
Ingest enabled |
Host LMS by ID
Query: getHostLmsById
Field label | GraphQL source | Example (source) |
Field label | GraphQL source | Translation key | Example (source) |
Host LMS name |
Host LMS code |
LmsClientClass |
Client Config
Field label | GraphQL source | Translation key | Example (source) |
Base application services URL |
Base URL |
Roles |
Context hierarchy |
Default agency code |
API Key |
Access ID |
Access key |
Domain ID |
Staff username |
Staff password |
Logon branch ID |
Logon user ID |
Secret |
Key |
Ingest |
Bib suppression ruleset |
Item suppression ruleset |
Record syntax |
Metadata prefix |
Item Config
Field label | GraphQL source | Translation key | Example (source) |
Barcode prefix |
ILL Location ID |
Fine code ID |
Renewal limit |
History action ID |
Shelving scheme ID |
Loan period code ID |
PAPI Config
Field label | GraphQL source | Translation key | Example (source) |
PAPI app ID |
PAPI organisation ID |
PAPI language ID |
PAPI version |
Services config
Field label | GraphQL source | Translation key | Example (source) |
Site domain |
Patron barcode prefix |
Product ID |
Workstation ID |
Organisation ID |
Version |
Language |
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