2.0 Sprint 19
1. Sprint Release
- 2.0-Â r24779
- Release date – October 9, 2015
2. Tag Information
- SVN url for the released tag:Â https://svn.kuali.org/repos/ole/tags/builds/ole-2.0/2.0/20151009-r24779
3. Deliverables
Database Changes: (Relevant only for upgrades)
1) OLE-7740
     Added column NOTC_FTR_BDY in table OLE_NOTC_CNTNT_CONFIG_T
     Added column BLNG_TO in table OLE_NOTC_FIELD_LABEL_MAPNG_T
2)Â OLE-8094
     Added Create Permission for Fund Code maintenance document.
3)Â OLE-8279
     Added Save Permission for the EResource records
4)Â Updated the BAT_PRCS_PRF_DT_TO_IMPRT column value from "Bibliographic and Holdings Data" to "Bibliographic, Holdings, and Item Data" of OLE_BAT_PRCS_PRF_T table.
5) Added System parameter GRACE_PERIOD_FOR_NON_WORKING_HOURS to provide option of Grace period in Loan screen while calculating the due date.
6)Â Increased the size of the column CIR_POLICY_ID to 2000 in OLE_DLVR_LOAN_T and OLE_DLVR_CIRC_RECORD table to have large Rule name.
System parameters:
1) Added System parameter GRACE_PERIOD_FOR_NON_WORKING_HOURS to provide option of Grace period in Loan screen while calculating the due date.
Worflow xml change:
4. Jiras
S.No. | Component/s | Key | Summary | Priority | Issue Type | Labels | Comments |
1 | Select & Acquire | OLE-4682 | Fund field is missing from E-Resource record | Major | Bug/Defect | ERM | Â |
2 | Select & Acquire | OLE-4934 | E-Instance record does not display PO or Invoice data | Major | Bug/Defect | ERM | Â |
3 | Select & Acquire | OLE-5978 | Invoice Discount field shows value with $ | Trivial | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
4 | Select & Acquire | OLE-5984 | PO Amendment not fully updating Docstore item record | Minor | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
5 | Select & Acquire | OLE-6134 | Entering an account in small letters on Invoice Offset Account does not work | Minor | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
6 | Select & Acquire | OLE-6378 | PO/Invoice data no longer appearing on E-Resource Record | Major | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
7 | System Integration | OLE-6921 | Incorporate Marc4j 2.6.3 from Github and publish in Kuali Maven repo | Major | Enhancement | Â | Â |
8 | Select & Acquire | OLE-7485 | Invoice history not showing all invoices for PO | Major | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
9 | Deliver | OLE-7499 | LOAN-Proxy patrons are blocked as proxies based on personal fines | Major | Enhancement | Â | Â |
10 | Deliver | OLE-7536 | 3M response times for Circulation are slow | Critical | Bug/Defect | Performance | Â |
11 | Select & Acquire | OLE-7606 | No ability to set MARC update frequency | Major | Enhancement | Â | Â |
12 | Deliver | OLE-7663 | Need consistent linking to item display in Deliver view or Search Workbench view | Major | Enhancement | Â | Â |
13 | Select & Acquire | OLE-7738 | Platform/E-Resource links added through batch constant data | Major | Bug/Defect | ERM | Â |
14 | Deliver | OLE-7740 | All Deliver notices need to be customizable | Major | Enhancement | Â | Â |
15 | Deliver | OLE-7741 | Notices should be customizable per item type, location, and patron type | Major | Enhancement | Â | Â |
16 | Deliver | OLE-7840 | Number of renewals in Circ API | Minor | Enhancement | Â | Â |
17 | Deliver | OLE-7934 | Adding Proxy Patron with invalid barcode does not give feedback that proxy patron does not exist | Major | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
18 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8006 | Publisher and Vendor Name on E-resource Record | Major | Bug/Defect | ERM | Â |
19 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8030 | No fund code appears on Accounting lines for Invoice | Major | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
20 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8037 | Stack trace on amend of PO linked to eResource | Major | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
21 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8044 | Eresource with 200 ebooks takes too long to display | Critical | Bug/Defect | ERM | Â |
22 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8094 | Permission to Create Fund Code not created | Major | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
23 | Deliver, Describe | OLE-8150 | Update code for call number shelfkeys | Major | Enhancement | Â | Â |
24 | Describe | OLE-8251 | e-holdings overlay does not work as expected | Major | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
25 | Deliver | OLE-8268 | Update NCIPCheckoutItemService to utilize NCIPLookupUser | Major | Bug/Defect | Drools | Â |
26 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8279 | Member of OLE_E-Resource role has no SAVE button | Major | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
27 | Deliver | OLE-8281 | Renewal Count | Major | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
28 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8291 | Add Fund Code to batch process profiles | Minor | Enhancement | Â | Â |
29 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8293 | Getting stacktrace error when trying to individually add e-holdings to e-resource record | Major | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
30 | Deliver | OLE-8309 | Drools--Due date entered when no circ rule found is applied to each subsequent checkout even if patron and/or item type is different | Critical | Bug/Defect | drools | Â |
31 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8319 | Child e-resource PO not appearing on parent PO tab | Major | Bug/Defect | ERM | Â |
32 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8326 | Platform/E-Resource links added through batch data only works from 856 subfields | Major | Bug/Defect | ERM | Â |
33 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8346 | Random E-Holdings appear on E-Resource E-Holdings Section | Major | Bug/Defect | ERM | Â |
34 | Select & Acquire | OLE-8347 | Child E-Holdings are Not Appearing on Parent E-Holding Section | Major | Bug/Defect | ERM | Â |
35 | Deliver | OLE-8301 | Recently-returned items not getting updated to Available by batch job | Major | Bug/Defect | Â | Â |
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