2.1 Sprint 1

1. Sprint Release

  • 2.1 - Sprint 1
  • Release date – November 30, 2015

2. Commit Id

  • Commit Id - 0c1e560

3.  Deliverables

Database Changes: (Relevant only for upgrades)

Oracle: https://github.com/openlibraryenvironment/ole/blob/develop/ole-app/ole-db/ole-sql/ole-liquibase-upgrade-sql/src/main/resources/org/kuali/ole/sql/oracle/2.1.sql

MySQL: https://github.com/openlibraryenvironment/ole/blob/develop/ole-app/ole-db/ole-sql/ole-liquibase-upgrade-sql/src/main/resources/org/kuali/ole/sql/mysql/2.1.sql

1) OLE-7195

            Added the column DESC_OF_PIECES to the table OLE_DS_ITEM_T

2) OLE-7531

          Updated the system parameter value REENCUMBER_RECURRING_ORDERS in KRCR_PARM_T

3) OLE-7819

         Added table ITEM_AUDIT_T,BIB_AUDIT_T,HOLDINGS_AUDIT_T for auditing.

System parameters:

1) OLE-7531

          Updated the system parameter value REENCUMBER_RECURRING_ORDERS in KRCR_PARM_T

Worflow xml change:


4. Jiras

S.No.Component/sKeySummaryPriorityIssue TypeLabelsComments
1DescribeOLE-5233Need the ability to undo a bound-withBlockerEnhancement (PP)  
2Describe, Select & AcquireOLE-5905During Bib import, delete field in Bib after mapping to E-InstanceMajorBug/Defect  
3Describe, Select & AcquireOLE-6170Issue with Updating Item Acquisition Information Donor by entering Donor code directlyMajorBug/Defect  
4Select & AcquireOLE-6200Updating Donor Code on Receiving Document does not update the Donor Code on Item or EholdingMajorBug/Defect  
5Select & AcquireOLE-6349Error: number of copies must not be longer than 4 charactersMajorBug/Defect  
6Select & AcquireOLE-6385Batch order profile: add Vendor Alias Name and Acquisition Unit's Vendor AccountMajorBug/Defect  
7DeliverOLE-6416Add Missing Piece Note to email notice patron receives.MinorEnhancementusability 
8Select & AcquireOLE-6805Remove Under Development Icon for Exchange Rates on Maintenance TabMinorBug/Defect  
9Select & AcquireOLE-6843Foreign Currency conversion on Requisition - USD not calculated correctlyMajorBug/Defect  
10Implementation, Select & AcquireOLE-7010Changing Workflow for InvoicesMajorBug/Defect  
11Select & AcquireOLE-7174Fund Balance (FB type Object Codes) encumbrances only display in Available Balances if PendingMajorBug/Defect  
12DeliverOLE-7179Expired Hold Notices not being sentCriticalBug/Defect  
13Deliver, DescribeOLE-7195Missing pieces return process lacks crucial description of itemsMajorEnhancement  
14DeliverOLE-7380Hold slips print new expiration date every time they are printedCriticalBug/Defect  
15Describe, Select & AcquireOLE-7404Better Control of Donor Code in Item recordMajorBug/Defect  
16DeliverOLE-7510On Request Reorder screen, "Save" button should be labelled "Submit"MajorEnhancement  
17DeliverOLE-7531Circ data retained in circ history tableMajorBug/Defect  
18Select & AcquireOLE-7590PO Amendment Editable FieldsMajorEnhancement  
19Select & AcquireOLE-7819Parameter error causes inaccurate ledger entries in new fiscal yearMajorBug/DefectFiscalYearRollover 
20DescribeOLE-7953Bib record with brief title gives stack trace if you try to display itCriticalBug/Defect  
21Describe, Select & AcquireOLE-8043Acquisition information not displaying on e-holdings when opened directly from Search WorkbenchCriticalBug/DefectERM 
22Select & AcquireOLE-8119Change wording on E-Resource Main Tab Subscription SectionMinorBug/Defect  
23Select & AcquireOLE-8161Price Increase Analysis CSV Download doesn't have Column Names requestedMajorBug/Defect  
24Select & AcquireOLE-8245Access activation workflow is not recording the status on the last stepMajorBug/DefectERM 
25DeliverOLE-8337Loan and Return screen notifications (hold/transit slips, request notice, check-in note, etc.) appear low on screen, require scrollingMajorBug/DefectInvestigation 
26Select & AcquireOLE-8415OC-142 Serials Receiving Search with Enter KeyMajorBug/Defect  
27Select & AcquireOLE-8441Recreate link to General Ledger BalanceMajorEnhancement  
28DeliverOLE-8443Request inquiry / view screen needs to display On Hold expiration date and should include an "Edit" button that opens the request for editingMajorEnhancement  
29DeliverOLE-8444On Hold expiration date for requests needs to be displayed on request search results screenMajorEnhancement  
30DeliverOLE-8445on hold expiration date needs to be displayed in Requested records screens from patron screenMajorEnhancement  
31DeliverOLE-8447Deliver Item Search requests section needs columns to display additional infoMajorEnhancement  



















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