1.6 Final

1.6 Final

1. Final Release

  • 1.6.0
  • Release date – May 21st, 2015

2. Tag Information




S.No.Component/sKeySummaryPriorityIssue TypeLabelsComments
1DeliverOLE-7793Cannot make edits of patron accountsBlockerBug/Defect When editing a proxy patron in a patron document, the application was throwing an optismitic lock exception. This has been fixed and patron edits along with proxy patron edits are working as desired.
2DeliverOLE-7785OJB broker pool exhaustedBlockerBug/Defect We found that during placeRequest feature, a certain piece of code was not handling the proxyBorrower check appropriately. This has been fixed and we believe (jMeter tests), that this should fix it. Awaiting Chicago's response.




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