OpenRS testing guide

OpenRS testing guide


During the onboarding process, it’s important to exercise the software to confirm both software operations and the corresponding configuration is set as expected. But it also a good way to familiarize yourself with the software behaviors and display. This document is intended to help guide pilot customers to exercise OpenRS software and configuration by providing access to OpenRS, instructions for executing OpenRS test cases, and a set of sheets to record test results.


The GILExpress OpenRS environment consists of the following systems/applications:


To complete each exercise, you will need…

  • A library user from each FOLIO ECS tenant with permissions* to access checkin, checkout, requests, and inventory applications.

  • A central office admin user (often called a DCB Administrator).

Product Area Testing

Exercise of the software is best performed against product areas. These product areas are groupings of closely related capabilities that meet a specific user goal (e.g. such as loaning an item to a patron). The OpenRS product areas are:

  • Union catalog – build, clustering and searching

  • Requesting – patron authentication, patron eligibility/blocks and item selection

  • Circulation – FOLIO supplying and borrowing activity

Before starting any testings, please watch the OpenRS Quick Start Guide (i.e. OpenRS DCB for FOLIO). The guide contains a product overview and a product demo using Locate DCB and FOLIO and will give users the necessary context and background to use the product.

OpenRS Quick Start Guide

Union catalog

The areas of focus within the union catalog area include ingest, clustering and OPAC searching.

Prep work

  • Find at least 4 instance records in a member library catalog that also have other member libraries with the same instances; in the union catalog, this is called a shared instance. It is best to have records with one or more clustering identifiers such as ISBN, LCCN or OCLC. To Kill a Mockingbird, Plato’s The Republic, Great Expectations are just three examples of titles of titles often found in library catalogs.

  • Find at least 3 instance record in a member library catalog that has no other member libraries with the same instance. In other words, a solely owned title.

  • When you have found the corresponding DCB instance records, add the title and the Locate DCB URL to populate the testing template. In the Locate DCB URL, you can find the cluster instance UUID. This can be a handy bit of information when using DCB Admin Shared Index to perform troubleshooting.


Locate DCB instance URL with UUID

Test cases


Ingest is the process of consuming harvested instance records from member library systems into the OpenRS DCB union catalog.

Currently, OpenRS for FOLIO systems only honors the ability FOLIO suppress from display or to not suppress from display in the union catalog. When an instance is suppressed, it is not ingested into the union catalog. When an instance is not suppress, it is ingested into the union catalog. That simple.

  • To try out this capability, select the “Suppress from Discovery” checkbox in the edit view of your solely owned instance.

    Note: The union catalog is scheduled to harvest record data from member systems every 2-3 minutes.

  • A suppressed instance for an instance that was previously harvested has the effect of deleting the item from the union catalog. After waiting, search for the now suppressed instance in the union catalog, document your results in this sheet.

  • Then, returning to the FOLIO record, deselect the “Suppress from discovery” checkbox. This should result in a newly created instance record in the union catalog. Document your results.


Clustering is the process of automatically linking the same instance from two or more libraries in the OpenRS DCB union catalog (i.e. auto de-duplication). Please see this brief, working description of the clustering logic.

To try out clustering, use one of the two shared titles you identified in the prep work for this section.

  • Create a duplicate of your FOLIO instance record and in the duplicated record select the suppress from discovery checkbox. You’ll use the duplicate for restoring the source record to its original state.

  • From the original instance record, remove all numeric identifiers (i.e. ISBN, OCLC, LCCN) and add your initials to the beginning of the title field. This action should create a new instance record in the union catalog.

  • Wait a few minutes for the union catalog to update then search for the title and document your findings in this sheet.

  • From the source instance record, restore all of the numeric identifiers you removed earlier and remove your initials from the beginning of the title field. This action should create a new instance record and should re-cluster with its prior clustered records.

  • Wait a few minutes for the union catalog to update then search for the title and document your findings.

If you would like more experience with clustering exercises, use the working description of the clustering logic to formulate different outcomes when removing identifiers from the record.


Locate DCB is EBSCO’s OPAC for the OpenRS union catalog. Locate DCB comes with a standard set of OPAC features including search by keyword, title and other indexes; search results listings in relevancy, title and author sort orders; and full record display with summary holdings. The focus for the search exercise is the instance record display and summary holding.

Libraries with holdings for an instance are represented in the detailed record display provided the item’s corresponding effective location is configured to display in the OpenRS union catalog.


  • Search for a title where you know there are multiple copies displayed. For this exercise you can use a second shared title or another one with the same attributes.

  • If you get a list of search results, select the one belonging to your cluster record.

  • When displaying the full record, note the bibliographic elements of the page

  • Review the items listed and confirm the status and location names of each item listed. Are there any items your expected to display that are not, vice versa? Document your findings.


The areas of focus for OpenRS requesting includes patron authentication, patron eligibility/blocks, item selection and request creation.

Test Records

What’s needed to perform requesting and circulation includes the following records…


  • Three test cases exist but all can use the same patron record.

    • Eligible patron – map a local patron group to a GILExpress patron group that is allowed to borrow (e.g. undergrad → GILExpress)

    • Ineligible patron – map a local patron group to a GILExpress patron group that is not allowed to borrow (e.g. undergrad → Not Eligible)

    • Blocked patron – In FOLIO, use the Create Block feature to set a block.


Note: Patron authentication configured for Locate DCB and local Locate is required.


  • A singularly held title with one or more copies.

  • Encoded to display in local Locate (i.e. not suppressed).

  • Has a linked item (details below).


  • Item record(s) that can be selected for an OpenRS request need to be encoded to display in local Locate and Locate DCB.

  • Item record(s) have an available status and does not have a hold.

Test cases

The supplying library should be a library with a solely owned instance record noted in the above Test Records section. The borrowing library is a library with the patron record noted in the above Test Records section.

The borrowing library will place a hold on the supplying library. For testing the happy path (test cases are documented in the Testing happy path section below), the patron record should be set as eligible with no blocks. Testing an alternate path for requesting includes the ineligible patron and the blocked patron.


When you have successfully placed a request, virtual records and holds will be created in each of the FOLIO tenants. Initial rounds of testing should follow the full happy path cycle. Once completed, it is important to test the alternate paths for requesting and well as alternate paths for circulation (e.g. borrower cancellation).

Testing Requesting and Circulation

The test scenarios require two member libraries and a DCB Administrator. In round 1, one library will play the role of borrower and the other will play the role of supplier. In round 2, the roles will be reversed. The DCB Administrator will play the admin role throughout the exercises.

Happy path

Test case





Patron – Requesting

  • Search for supplier’s test bib record and click on the title.

    • This will take you to the detailed display.

  • Click on the Place a Hold button to request the item.

  • Select your affiliated institution

  • Enter your eligible test patron’s credentials

  • Select your pickup location and click on the Place Hold button

    • For scenario 4 only, also select a volume along with the pickup location

  • View the request confirmation and inform the supplier library of the successful request

  • Pause while the DCB admin manually initiates polling

    • The DCB administrator should confirm that the DCB status changes to REQUEST_PLACED_AT_BORROWING_AGENCY

    • Inform the users to proceed to Lender – Supplying test case

After a successful request, a virtual patron and a hold on the requested item should appear in the supplier’s system.

When finished with requesting scenario 1, move to the circulation use cases starting with “Lender – Supplying” and moving through the remainder of the circulation use cases. Then, move to requesting scenario 2 and when finished, move onto “Lender – Supplying” as you did with scenario 1 and so on. Rinse and repeat with scenarios 3 and 4.

Lender – Supplying

  • Go to the Requests application, filter by “Pages” and confirm the OpenRS request is there.

    • Click on the request and click through to confirm the requester information

  • Checkin the item to trigger the hold

    • View the displayed in-transit message; is the item in-transit to the expected location?

  • Pause while the DCB admin manually initiates polling

    • The DCB administrator should confirm that the DCB status changes to PICKUP_TRANSIT

    • Inform the users to proceed to Borrower – Loaning test case

When the item is loaned to the borrower, the DCB will detect the loan and then perform a checkout to the virtual patron on the supplier system.


Borrower – Loaning

  • Checkin the item to place the item on the holdshelf

  • Checkin the item and observe the displayed message(s) for a hold slip

  • Pause while the DCB admin manually initiates polling

    • The DCB administrator should confirm that the DCB status changes to READY_FOR_PICKUP

    • Inform the users to continue with the Borrower – Loaning test case

  • Checkout item to the patron

    • Is the request closed after patron checkout?

  • Pause while the DCB admin manually initiates polling

    • The DCB administrator should confirm that the DCB status changes to LOANED

    • Inform the users to proceed to Lender – Loaning test case


Lender – Loaning

  • Confirm that the virtual item has been loaned and has a due date

    • If not, the DCB administrator should attempt another manual polling no less than 1 minute from the last manual polling event.

    • DCB Administrator should confirm in the audit trail entries that look like this (showing the “Supplier” Loan updates):

    • Confirm that the virtual item has been loaned and has a due date.

    • Inform the users to proceed to Borrower – Returning


Borrower – Returning

  • Checkin item from the patron return

    • Checkin the item and observe the displayed message(s); is the item being put into transit to the lending location?

    • Confirm that the checkin results in clearing the loan.

  • Pause while the DCB admin manually initiates polling

    • The DCB administrator should confirm that the DCB status changes to RETURN_TRANSIT

    • Inform the users to proceed to Lender – Returning test case


Lender – Returning

  • Item returned for checkin at lending location

    • Upon checkin, is the loan closed?

  • The DCB Administrator should confirm that the DCB status changes to FINALISED

    • This should state means the request is in a terminal state.


Alternate path testing

Borrowing side cancellation

Test case



Test case



Borrower cancels request - FOLIO

  • Enter the Users application

    • Find the borrowing patron

    • In the patron record, open the Requests section and click on the Open Requests link

    • In Request Detail, select the Action menu and choose “cancel request”

  • Pause while the DCB admin manually initiates polling

    • The DCB administrator should confirm that the request has been cancelled for the supplier.

  • The request in the FOLIO system should be closed.

These steps assume a successful request has already been placed.

Like FOLIO requests, an OpenRS request can be cancelled until the hold is removed (i.e. when loaned to the borrower).

Borrower cancels request - Locate

  • In Locate, sign into the patron account

    • Go to “Bookshelf”

    • Go to “Holds”

    • Select the request and click “Cancel”

  • FOLIO steps are the same as if cancelled in the FOLIO Requests application.

These steps assume a successful request has already been placed.

Supplier side cancellation

Test case



Test case



Supplier cancels request - no re-resolve

  • Enter the Requests application

    • Select the request for the supplier library

    • In Requests Detail, select the Action menu and choose “cancel request”

  • Pause while the DCB admin manually initiates polling

    • The DCB administrator should confirm that the request has been cancelled for the borrower.

A singularly held instance is needed for this case.

Supplier cancels request – re-resolve

  • Enter the Requests application

    • Select the request for the supplier library

    • In Requests Detail, select the Action menu and choose “cancel request”

  • Pause while the DCB admin manually searches for another copy

    • The DCB administrator should confirm that the request has been cancelled for the initial supplier and re-resolved to another copy from a different library. The easiest way to confirm is the resolution count:


  • Confirm that the new supplying library has the request

    • Confirm that the borrowing patron’s virtual item contains the new supplying library location and new barcode

An instance with holdings from 2 or more libraries is needed for this case.

Additional resources

FOLIO DCB Configuration


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