DCB Hub :: Installation


The DCB Hub is currently composed of three required + one optional components

  • The DCB service itself

  • A Keycloak installation with a number of extension providers which allow all the DCB LMS systems to act as identity providers. This allows Keycloak to be our single API for authentication.

  • A PostgreSQL database which acts as the system of record for the bib aggregation, transaction store and management database.

Optional Components relate to specific installations and will be needed in different deployment scenarios.

  • For the first DCB sites, Elastic Search is being used as the searchable manifestation of the shared index. You may choose to inject records from the aggregated holdings store into any discovery system (E.G. VuFind, Blacklight, Pika). In our initial development work however, we are pushing records into an ElasticSearch interface which will form the basis of a downstream API for the LOCATE discovery system.

We imaging adding further optional components for other integrations over the future.

Per environment instructions

DCB is agnostic about it’s hosting environment and member systems, and the team is committed to making the community source not just open in terms of it’s licensing, but practically open in the sense that it will be easy to stand up and run with minimal devops experience.

The service code is a Java 17 application where care has been taken to enable GraalVM native compilation. The developers generally target container based deployments, and our CI/CD pipeline publishes containers in the Nexus repository at https://nexus.libsdev.k-int.com/.

Deployment resources can be found in This GitHub repository

Docker Compose



Operated as a Community Resource by the Open Library Foundation